What the president of the Panhellenic Medical Association revealed 2024-03-16 13:22:40

“As for the shame that has accompanied us for 40 years now, that is the pouches, theoretically with the followingnoon surgeries they will be reduced. However, it remains to be seen in practice, which sometimes surprises us. And I say this because whenever we had tightening and “hunting” for the sachets, we did not see a reduction in the phenomenon” added Mr. Hexadaktylos.

At the same time, the president of PIS described as “exaggerations” what is being heard regarding the privatization of public health: “Since 2001, we have paid evening clinics within the NHS. Health was not privatized in this way. Also, since 2012, EOPYY has been involved in all operations carried out in the private sector. Are private clinics public? Obviously not. It’s good to be a little sparing in characterizations.”

Speaking regarding the institution of the Personal Doctor, Mr. Hexadaktylos commented that “the fact that private individuals also enter was a possibility that the law provided for from 2022, which the ministry took too long to implement. It concerns citizens, who have already made their personal choice for doctors who do not wish to join the system, and so these citizens do not necessarily go to a doctor they do not like. So this is well done and will work positively. As far as the rural people who become Personal are concerned, this is a solution of necessity more for areas where there are no objective possibilities”.

“In these cases the choice is specific. Either they don’t have a doctor at all, or the doctor in their area takes care of them in terms of prevention and record keeping. We have great respect for the rural doctor, because as a unique doctor he carries an incredible load. He does much more than what an expert would do” added the PIS president.

Mr. Hexadaktylos revealed, finally, that discussions are underway to provide additional incentives on the one hand for doctors to move to remote areas and on the other hand to cover specialties in short supply.

“Currently the shortages are not horizontal and do not affect everyone to the same extent. That is, in Thessaloniki there are hospitals that have anesthesiologists, but there are also hospitals that do not. Other areas lack other specialties. Overall, we have a problem with anesthesiologists, microbiologists, radiologists, recently proposed pathologists, and pathologists.

The system is generally unattractive and should increase both wages and improve working conditions. Barren places and island regions need extra incentives. And right now for the barren and border areas, we are discussing with the minister, financial incentives, incentives related to housing and smooth family living, but also additional scientific incentives. Regarding the shortages in the specialties I mentioned above, there is another discussion with the minister and in collaboration with scientific companies regarding what kind of incentives can be given, so that these specialties are chosen by young doctors,” said the president of Panhellenic Medicine. Association.

At another point in his interview, Mr. Exadaktylos explained why the PES disagrees with the exercise of private work by NHS doctors, as provided for in the draft law “Public health actions – Arrangements to strengthen the National Health System”, which is under consultation until March 19. “Our disagreement is based on the fact that in this way we will have fewer doctors in our hospitals, which, however, need reinforcement.

There should be a way for Hospitals to attract people from outside and not the other way around because the pay is low.” To the question why he decided to be a candidate with the New Democracy in the European elections, Mr. Exadaktylos answers: “Because the field of health is dominant both in the Greek political scene and in the European one and it is better for us who see the problems every day to deal with it than the bureaucracy ».

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#president #Panhellenic #Medical #Association #revealed



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