What the late star Matthew Perry might wish you knew about the fear of rejection

2023-10-29 18:03:00

Sarah Darwish wrote Sunday, October 29, 2023 08:03 PM in an article entitled “The Story That Matthew Perry Didn’t Believe He Lived to Tell,” which was published by “GQ” magazine in 2022, she spoke The late “Friends” starAbout that chapter of his book in which he talked about his incomplete love stories, most of which he finished himself, that this was his trick to avoid rejection, to separate himself from his lovers before they did the same.

He explained the idea by saying: “I broke up with them because I was so afraid that they would find out that I was not enough, that I was not important, that I was a very demanding person and that they would have to break up with me. They would break up with me and that would destroy me, and I would have to take drugs and that would kill me. That’s why I broke up with these wonderful women.” Those who crossed my path.

Does what the late star says sound familiar to you and do you feel that you sometimes do the same thing in all your relationships, not just romantic relationships? Perhaps Matthew Perry, who bid a shocking and sudden farewell to our world, wishes you knew how to prevent the pathological fear of rejection from ruining your relationships, without having to go through the long, painful journey he took until he finally reached that reconciliation that made him say, “I think I’m enough, I think I’m not.” “I’m demanding and I think I’m important, and I know that the next person I date, if she’s good, will stand out, because I’m no longer mired in those kind of fears.”

Quote from Matthew Perry’s book

How do you prevent the fear of rejection from ruining your romantic relationships?

The fear of rejection in romantic relationships can develop into avoidant personality disorder and cause its owner to not want to enter into romantic relationships, or continue in them. Facing this fear of rejection in romantic relationships can be a challenge, but there are some strategies that can be used to deal with it. And get over it. Here are some tips that may help you deal with him, according to the “Psychology Today” website:

Learn self acceptance:

Fear of rejection may be related to a lack of self-confidence. Try to learn to accept yourself for who you are, and remember that self-acceptance takes time and effort. Be honest with yourself and take care of your mental and emotional health.

Take small steps:

Instead of waiting to get into a full relationship, try reaching out and getting to know people slowly. You may start by participating in small social activities or attending events and developing a social network.

Communicate honestly:

Be honest in expressing your feelings and needs with a potential partner. If you feel anxious or afraid, try to explain it frankly. Honest communication helps build trust and understanding of each other.

A scene from the Friends series about hiding feelings

Learn from previous experiences:

Look at past experiences you’ve had and draw lessons from them. There may be situations that were not successful in the past, but you can benefit from them to improve your future romantic relationships.

Prepare for rejection:

Acknowledge that rejection is a natural part of life, and that it does not reflect your personal value. Try not to take rejection personally, and remember that it may have reasons outside your control.

Find support:

It may be helpful to seek support from friends or people close to you. They can have valuable experiences and advice to help you overcome the fear of rejection.

#late #star #Matthew #Perry #knew #fear #rejection

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