what the forecasts of Sottocorona predict –

The heat “is back to making itself felt”. Word of Paolo Sottocorona, who as always took care of the latest forecasts broadcast live on La7. The temperature collapse of the past few days, in fact, is not destined to dominate the weather bulletins of the coming days. “The atmosphere tends to be more stable, but still with some exceptions, especially in the Alpine area and a little also in the Apennines. A typical regime for this season. Gradually warmer and more muggy from the weekend”, anticipated the expert.

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Today “in the North clear and partly cloudy, with afternoon cloudiness in the mountains. Especially between Lombardy and Piedmont, there could be some thunderstorms. In the Center lots of sun. In the afternoon the usual cloudiness in the inland areas, with local showers. In the South residual instability, with some thunderstorms during the day on the Apennine reliefs. Temperatures stationary or slightly increasing. The heat is making itself felt again, with peaks of 34 or 35 degrees”, continued Sottocorona.

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On Saturday, August 24, however, the North will have “good weather everywhere”. But be careful. “Significant rain is expected in the mountains, where in the afternoon some brief and isolated showers will be possible”. In the Center “clear or partly cloudy. South still with some afternoon thunderstorms”, continued the meteorologist. No upheavals on Sunday, August 25. “In the North some more showers and thunderstorms in the Alps. In the Center clear or partly cloudy. In the South mostly good weather”, concluded Sottocorona.

#forecasts #Sottocorona #predict #Tempo
2024-08-24 03:41:19



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