What symptoms of liver cancer should not be ignored?

2024-08-28 14:35:20

Marie Desanger

I’m a health journalist known for my commitment to providing accurate and accessible information in this critical area.

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Liver cancer, as the name suggests, is cancer that starts in the liver. Some cancers grow outside the liver and spread to organs. But this term only describes cancer that begins in the liver. The liver is located below the right lung, beneath the ribs. It is one of the largest organs in the human body and serves many essential functions, including removing toxins from the body. In this article, we explain the symptoms of liver cancer, its progression, and the risk factors that may contribute to the development of this cancer. We also explain the best ways to avoid illness.

liver cancer symptoms

People with liver cancer may experience abdominal pain, unexplained weight loss, and fatigue.
Symptoms of liver cancer usually do not appear until the disease is in its later stages.

Liver cancer can cause the following symptoms:

– Jaundice, yellowing of the skin and eyes
– stomach ache
– Pain near right shoulder blade
– Unexplained weight loss
– Enlargement of the liver, spleen, or both
– Swelling or fluid accumulation in the abdomen
– fatigue

– nausea
– Vomit
– back pain
– tickle
– fever
– Feeling of fullness after a small meal

Liver cancer can also cause swollen veins visible under the skin of the abdomen, as well as bruising and bleeding.

It can also cause high calcium and cholesterol levels and low blood sugar.

Different stages of liver cancer

To help guide treatment and determine the outlook for liver cancer, doctors divide its progression into four stages:

Stage 1: The tumor remains in the liver and has not spread to other organs or parts.
2: Either there are several small tumors remaining in the liver, or the tumors have reached the blood vessels.
3: There are multiple large tumors or one tumor has reached a large main blood vessel.
4: The cancer has metastasized, meaning it has spread to other parts of the body.

Once the doctor diagnoses and determines the stage of the cancer, treatment begins.

Main causes of liver cancer

Doctors don’t yet know the exact cause of liver cancer. However, most liver cancers are associated with cirrhosis. Chronic infection with hepatitis B or hepatitis C viruses is a common cause of liver cancer. People infected with these two viruses have a significantly higher risk of liver cancer than other healthy people. Because both forms can lead to cirrhosis of the liver.

Some inherited liver diseases, such as hemochromatosis, can lead to cirrhosis and also increase the risk of liver cancer.

Other risk factors for liver cancer include:

– type 2 diabetes

People with diabetes, especially those who have hepatitis or drink alcohol regularly, are more likely to develop liver cancer.

– family history

If a person’s mother, father, brother or sister has liver cancer, they are at higher risk of developing the disease themselves.

– Drinking a lot of alcohol

Long-term consumption of more than six alcoholic drinks per day can lead to cirrhosis of the liver. This in turn increases the risk of liver cancer.

– Long-term exposure to aflatoxin

A specific type of fungus produces a substance called aflatoxin. The presence of aflatoxin may occur when mold grows on the following crops:

– wheat
– peanut
– but
– Nuts
– a soldier
– peanut

The risk of liver cancer only increases after long-term exposure to aflatoxin. These substances are of less concern in industrialized countries because manufacturers regularly test for aflatoxins.

– Low immunity

People with weakened immune systems, such as those with HIV, are five times more likely to develop liver cancer than otherwise healthy people.

– Obesity

Obesity increases the risk of many cancers. For people who develop liver cancer, obesity can lead to cirrhosis and fatty liver disease.

– gender

Liver cancer occurs in approximately three times as many men as women.

– Smoking

Former and current smokers have a higher risk of liver cancer than people who have never smoked.

Who should be screened for liver cancer first?

People at high risk of liver cancer should undergo regular check-ups. These people include:

– Hepatitis B or C
– Alcohol-related cirrhosis
– Cirrhosis caused by hemochromatosis, a disease involving the deposition of iron salts in body tissues
If doctors don’t diagnose liver cancer until it’s late, it can become very difficult to cure.

Screening is the only effective way to detect liver cancer early because symptoms of early-stage liver cancer are either subtle or non-existent.

Outlook: The sooner the better

The outlook for liver cancer is poor. Liver cancer is often discovered in its later stages.

Before liver cancer spreads from the original site, the 5-year survival rate is 31%. This means that 31% of people diagnosed with liver cancer by a doctor will survive at least five years after diagnosis.
Once the cancer spreads to nearby tissue, survival rates drop to 11%. In more advanced stages, when liver cancer has spread to distant organs, this rate drops to 2%. That’s why regular screening for people at higher risk of liver cancer is so important.

Treatment for liver cancer often involves intensive surgery with a high risk of complications. This may further impact the outlook for liver cancer patients.

How to prevent liver cancer

Liver cancer has a lower survival rate than some other cancers. However, people can reduce their risk of developing the disease. They can also improve the chances of early detection.

There is no way to completely prevent liver cancer, but the following steps can help reduce your risk.

1 Drink in moderation

Regular and long-term heavy drinking significantly increases the risk of cirrhosis and liver cancer.
Moderate or abstinent alcohol consumption can significantly reduce the risk of liver cancer.

2 Limit tobacco consumption

This may help avoid liver cancer, especially in people with hepatitis B and C.

3 Get vaccinated against hepatitis B

The following groups should consider hepatitis vaccination:

– Addicts who share needles
– People who have unprotected sex with multiple partners

Nurses, doctors, dentists and other health care professionals whose work increases the risk of hepatitis B infection
– People who frequently travel to areas of the world where hepatitis B is common

There is no established way to prevent hepatitis C or to get vaccinated against the virus. However, using a condom during sex can help reduce the risk of infection.

4 Maintain a healthy weight

Obesity is a risk factor because liver fat and cirrhosis can lead to liver cancer and diabetes. Taking care of your physical health and maintaining a moderate weight can help reduce the risk of liver cancer.

5 Treat underlying conditions

Several other conditions can also cause liver cancer, such as diabetes and hemochromatosis. Treating these conditions before they develop into liver cancer can reduce the risk of complications.

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