what stroke could be the last

Stroke is a disease that is considered one of the leading causes of death on the planet. Knowledge of the symptoms of an insidious ailment will help to reduce the number of deaths, the therapist, candidate of medical sciences Alexei Zhito listed them in an interview with 5-tv.ru. He also talked regarding what kind of stroke might be the last.

According to the specialist, patients can tolerate up to 10-15 microstrokes, which does not exclude the possibility of a macrostroke. At the same time, Aleksey Zhito noted that the death of brain cells during repeated strokes leads to a deterioration in the patient’s mental health. This is due, first of all, to a violation of the functions responsible for mental activity.

“A person can survive a certain number of strokes, but with each stroke, cognitive abilities will deteriorate: memory, attention, speech will suffer. These changes will gradually increase, up to the impossibility of performing this function “, – explained the therapist.

When asked which stroke might be critical, the expert replied that any of them might be the last, and it does not matter how easily or seriously the patient suffered a stroke.

“If a patient has survived one mild one (stroke – Ed. Approx.), This does not mean that all of them will be mild and there will be no more of them. This means that the second can become fatal “, – explained the doctor.

In conclusion, Aleksey Zhito drew an analogy with the coronavirus: if an infected person had the disease for the first time easily, this does not exclude a lethal outcome in case of re-infection.

Earlier 5-tv.ru talked regarding stars who have had a stroke… Interest in the topic flared up with renewed vigor following he overtook Elena Proklova. Today she said that doctors are taking her out of a “critical state.”




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