What state has the highest energy

what is it The state with the highest energy? What are the states of matter? Where students face a lot of questions in science, and the aim of these questions is to make sure that the children were able to understand the nature of matter, its three states, and the physical properties of each state, and through this topic we will explain matter and its states, and which one has the highest energy.

The state with the highest energy

The state with the highest energy

Matter is defined as everything that has mass and volume, and each substance has a set of properties related to density, number of atoms, and the extent and shape of molecular bonds. The material has electrical properties, optical properties, magnetic properties, and acoustic properties. Scientists in the field of physics have shown that the state with the highest energy is the gaseous state.

This is because the force of attraction between its molecules is weaker than the other cases, due to the spacing of its molecules and continues to diverge, and the force of attraction weakens following the substance is exposed to heat, and there are different states of a substance. It is known that matter has three states: solid, liquid and gas. in the following paragraphs.

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The gaseous state of matter

In the gaseous state, and as we explained earlier, there are wide spaces between the molecules of the substance, which makes it have high kinetic energy, and have the ability to spread unlimitedly when it is free, but if it is in a container or closed container, the gas molecules expand until it fills the container in which it resides. .

Gas can be compressed by reducing the volume of the container it contains, which leads to a decrease in the distance between the molecules, and the reason is that the gas does not have a specific shape, which makes it difficult to determine the volume of the gas, gas molecules have enough kinetic energy to resist the bonding forces between molecules that collect solids and liquids together.

solid state of matter

The state that has the highest energy is the gaseous state. As for the state in which the substance has the lowest energy, and therefore has the highest attractive force between its molecules, it is the solid state, which is characterized by having a specific shape and size, due to the extent of interdependence between the molecules of which the substance is composed and meets with Some of them are strong and cohesive.

Where solids usually have a crystalline form, the simplest examples of solids are salt crystals, sugar, diamonds and other minerals, and in the solid state there are other examples such as rocks and wood.

As it becomes clear to us, the substance can be transferred from one state to another, where the liquid state and the gaseous state can turn into a solid state through cooling, and the best example of this is ice that turned from liquid water into ice blocks.

liquid state of matter

The state with the highest energyThe state with the highest energy

Substances in the liquid state collect a certain volume, but the shape is not stable, as it is normal for liquid materials to take the shape of the container in which they settle, and an example of this is water, which is one of the most famous and most important liquid materials. As gas molecules cool, they begin to slow down.

Because it loses its energy, and the material can also turn from a solid state to a liquid state when it is exposed to heat, and one of the most famous examples of this is molten lava, where it is initially rocks in a solid state and then turns into a liquid state due to its exposure to very intense heat.

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Fourth state of matter (plasma)

We talked regarding the state that has the highest energy and the state that has the lowest energy, but what regarding the new state of matter, everyone knows the three states of matter, but scientists discovered the state of plasma through studies of states of matter when it encounters intense heat and high pressure, and these conditions are present on the surface the sun or in space.

Where the disintegration of atoms begins, the electrons are displaced from their orbit, and this leads to the formation of positively charged ions. The resulting tissue is called the resulting neutral atoms and charged ions. Plasma includes a set of unique properties that made scientists classify it as the fourth state of matter.

Plasma is a fluid that is neither a liquid nor a gaseous state, and it is affected by electric and magnetic forces, and it produces them due to the presence of charged particles in it. It follows the fluid mechanics equations called Boltzmann equations and Navier-Stokes equations.

The state that has the highest energy is the gaseous state, and it is one of the famous states of matter, which scientists have explored to study, conduct experiments and derive theories from.

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