What should I eat according to the time of sports?

The healthy nutrition It is a basic pillar in the life of an athlete. The type of food that is consumed has a decisive influence, but it is also important to maintain a meal regimen where a few hours are established for the consumption of the products. That’s why, It must be taken into account that the nature of each food It will provide a series of properties that must be taken into account, since this factor can affect sports performance.

at the time of knowing what should I eat according to the time of doing sportsit is necessary to clarify the different types of food that are going to be beneficial to perform a safe, healthy exercise and with the appropriate energy.

What to eat if you exercise before eating?

We all know that breakfast is very important in anyone’s diet. It becomes a sustenance of nutrients that will be noticed throughout the day, that is, a really good caloric and energy intake how to face the work day. Therefore, what to eat when doing sports in the morning? It is essential to consume foods that offer energy.

If you are going to play sports early (before 11:00 in the morning) there must be a contribution of vitamins and minerals through a piece of fruit, cereals such as oatmeal, dairy or coffee and a protein intake through eggs, turkey, tuna, nuts or legumes.

In the event that it is going to be done mid-morning sportbreakfast can be kept in the same way, but also it is good to eat some food some time before training to complete that energy: fruit, nuts, avocado, etc.

What to eat if you exercise in the afternoon?

If you are one of those who play sports after 5:00 p.m., the midday meal should not be copious to avoid the dreaded flatus. A balanced diet is recommended where there are vegetables, carbohydrates, meat, fruit and liquid that hydrates. Pasta is a good option, but it is always good to accompany it with vegetables in a salad.

In the event that you are going to play sports from 18:00it is convenient that there a mid-afternoon food consumption that can provide a little more energy. Therefore, protein intake can be feasible through tuna, turkey, smoothie cheese, legumes, etc. To do this, you can prepare a whole wheat toast. In the same way, fruit is once again another of the main foods in the athlete’s diet, which is why any piece is acceptable: banana, blueberries, watermelon, orange or strawberries. They all offer very good nutrients for energy, antioxidants and vitamins.

In short, depending on the time of day you are going to run, it is necessary eat food at least 2 hours before exercising; in this way, you will have nutrients and energy having done the digestion.

This information does not replace in any case the diagnosis or prescription by a doctor. It is important to go to a specialist when symptoms appear in case of illness and never self-medicate.

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