What Sergio Massa said to Javier Milei when he had the microphone off

2023-10-02 09:07:58

One of the most striking moments of presidential debate 2023 occurred when the minister Sergio Massa he spoke to the economist Javier Miley with the microphone closed while he was answering one of the questions asked by the Unión por la Patria candidate, breaking one of the rules agreed upon by all participants.

The crossing took place during the cross-question section, when the La Libertad Avanza candidate prepared to respond to Massa after his questioning about his comments regarding Pope Francis. “You offended the leader of the Church. Take advantage of these 45 seconds to ask the Pope for forgivenessthe most important Argentine in history,” he launched.

The liberal economist, who accused the Supreme Pontiff of being “the representative of evil on Earth,” began his response by arguing that his statements took place before the beginning of his political career and that the official candidate was “uninformed”, to which Massa denied with the head.

While Milei tried to explain that he had already apologized for his remarks, although he would be willing to do so again, the Minister of Economy broke the rules agreed between the participants of the pre-electoral meeting and spoke with the microphone closed.

“Do it”, the former mayor of Tigre told him almost inaudibly, an order that he repeated about three times. The gesture motivated the reaction of the liberal candidate, who pointed out the interruption before the debate moderators. “Let me talk that I have sound and time running. Be respectful“said the economist.

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In turn, the representative of La Libertad Avanza spoke about the possibility of a visit by the Supreme Pontiff in his eventual government and clarified: “I said that if the Pope wanted to come to Argentina, he would be respected. “Stop chicanering and dedicate yourself to lowering inflation and ending your government in a decent manner.”

Faced with the unexpected crossing between the candidates, the journalists Estebal Mirol y Lucila Trujillowho moderated said block of the debate, stressed to both that their statements could not be heard while their microphones were closed and that they couldn’t interrupt to his opponents.


#Sergio #Massa #Javier #Milei #microphone

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