what sacrifices did the actress from “Clone” make for the role of Zhadi

The beautiful image on the screen was a fake.

The film industry often resorts to various tricks to make shots look brighter and immediately captivate the audience. Unfortunately, this happened with the popular series “Clone”.

At first glance, it seems that almost everything in this project is real.

Therefore, I want to believe in this complex love story. But it turned out that the deception was still there. The famous belly dance of Zhadi was the result of the work of not only the actress, but also resourceful make-up artists.

Since the director did not like the figure of Giovanna Antonelli, and a strict diet did not give a significant result, it was decided to artificially enlarge the girl’s breasts to emphasize her waist. The artist’s bra contained silicone inserts that visually enlarged the bust. In addition, even the hairstyle of the main character was not real. A chic shock of hair consisted of cunningly laid overhead strands.

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