What rituals can you do to renew your energy on this Blue Supermoon night?

The Moon is experiencing its perigee, meaning it has reached its closest point to Earth in its elliptical orbit, at a distance of 363,300 kilometers. Photo: Pixabay.

It is called a ‘Supermoon’ when this natural satellite is at its closest point to the Earth and when looking at the sky, it appears complete, even up to 14% larger and 30% brighter than usual.

In addition, this phenomenon coincided with the ‘Blue Moon’ and watch out! It does not mean that the moon will change color, but it is named thus because of the time in which it occurs, when there is a second new moon in a month, it is called ‘Black Moon’, the full moon in April ‘Pink Moon’ and the second full moon of a month and the third of a season are called ‘Blue Moon’.

This phenomenon, which occurs, has been an object of fascination and mystery throughout history, as many cultures have associated this occurrence with special events and have developed rituals to harness its energy.

Since ancient times, the moon has been considered a symbol of femininity, intuition and natural cycles. The Blue Moon, being a rare event, has been charged with a special meaning on a cultural and spiritual level:

  • Symbolism: It represents transformation, renewal and the opportunity to start over.
  • Magic: The energy of the Blue Moon is believed to amplify desires and intentions.
  • Rituals: Many spiritual traditions associate the Blue Moon with rituals of purification, manifestation and connection with the universe.

Rituals for the Blue Moon

If you want to take advantage of the energy of this special full moon, you can perform some of the following rituals:

  • Meditation: Find a quiet place, sit comfortably and concentrate on the light of the Moon. Visualize your desires and aspirations.
  • Moon bath: Add bath salts and aromatic herbs to your bath water to purify your body and mind.
  • Lunar diary: Write in your journal about your feelings, thoughts, and goals. The Blue Moon is an ideal time to connect with your inner self.
  • Charging crystals: Place your favorite crystals in the moonlight to recharge them with energy and enhance their properties.
  • Manifestation: Create an altar with candles, crystals and objects that represent your desires. Light the candles and visualize your goals clearly.

Tips for performing your rituals

  • Intention: The most important thing is to have a clear and focused intention when performing your rituals.
  • Connection: Connect with nature and feel the energy of the Moon.
  • Gratitude: Be thankful for everything you have and for the opportunities that arise.

Remember that rituals are a personal way to connect with the universe and celebrate the beauty of nature. The most important thing is that you feel comfortable and enjoy the process.

The blue moon occurs every two or three years, which means that this phenomenon could repeat itself on May 20, 2027 and August 24, 2029.

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2024-08-19 23:51:47
#rituals #renew #energy #Blue #Supermoon #night



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