what really happens – The Time

Il weather forecast is increasingly an enigma with endless waves of intense heat interspersed with storms and cloudbursts that hit very violently. climate in Italy it is happening tropicalizing? The hypothesis is spreading on the web and on social media, and the one to give an answer to the question is the colonel Mario Giuliacci which clarifies a fundamental factor: “The tropical climate, typical of the Tropics and areas near the equator, is actually a climate where it rains for six months due to the Monsoons, and for six months there is drought. Does it appear to be like this in Italy?”, asks the meteorologist in a video posted by the channel MeteoGiuliacci. The answer is obviously no. But then what is happening? “The Italian climate is taking it to extremes – explains the expert – that is, weather phenomena are becoming more violent”.

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In other words, if in the past the drought “lasted three months now, as has happened, it can last all year”. Similarly, hail is bigger and cloudbursts and violent storms are much more frequent in recent years. In short, “we are exaggerating” but the climate of Italy is not becoming tropical.

2024-08-22 16:13:12



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