What parents can do as child suicide rates rise | am730

2024-09-23 20:30:38

The Suicide Prevention Research Center of the University of Hong Kong and Lifeline recently released the latest suicide data in Hong Kong, pointing out that the suicide rate in Hong Kong last year was 13.6 (that is, 13.6 people committed suicide out of 100,000 people), which was slightly improved from 14.2 the previous year. However, for those aged 15 or below The situation in this group has worsened significantly, with the suicide rate rising from 0.9 to 2.9, which is really worrying.

Professor Yip Siu-fai, director of the research center, pointed out that only 20% of suicide cases under the age of 15 had mental problems. Society should not “medicalize” the problem of suicide and prefer to solve the problem of suicide by solving mental problems. The method of seeing and treating patients can only solve the suicide problem of individual people, but cannot prevent the suicide situation in society from getting worse. Only by finding the social reasons for the rising suicide rate can we accurately prescribe the right medicine to prevent the suicide rate from rising further.


Professor Ye’s statement is very reasonable. The problem is that the social situation is very complex. Even if a consensus can be found, it is not easy to find specific solutions to social problems. As far as the government is concerned, the only way to respond immediately is to see and treat patients. Sending more psychological counselors to schools to assist individual students with problems will remain the main way the government can provide support.

However, as a parent, you should not wait for your children to have emotional problems before seeking psychological counseling, but should nip them in the bud. I started taking precautions in this regard when my children were still young. Some of these experiences can be used for your reference.

First, an effective communication mechanism must be established within the family. In this way, when the child has a problem, he will be noticed in time. My approach is to hold a family gathering every week, where everyone can sit down and exchange opinions. Everyone can have a topic of their choice, and everyone else can respond. My daughter once used this opportunity to explain why she received a demerit from school; my son once used this opportunity to complain that he did not have enough playing time; and my wife used this opportunity to explain why she was so strict with her children. Over time, everyone developed the habit of expressing their feelings to each other, so that they would not feel that their family members would not understand their thoughts.


Second, cultivate children’s reading habits. In this way, even if they have limited life experience, they still have the opportunity to experience the suffering of life from books and know that all great human endeavors are born out of tragedy. Then they will face their fate with a positive attitude and will not commit suicide lightly.

Third, take your children to explore the mysteries of nature and the magnificence of the universe, and let them know that they are just a drop in the ocean and that it is no big deal. Then they will not magnify their unsatisfactory infinitely and eventually crush themselves.

Fourth, let them know that their lives are not entirely their own. On the surface, the body’s hair and skin are received from the parents. In fact, it depends on the combination of heaven and society. Therefore, when children grow up, they must be filial to their parents, loyal to the country, responsible to society, dedicated to their careers, and trustworthy to their friends. One should not leave this world without fulfilling his duty.


Readers may feel that the above statement is too high and young people may not be willing to accept it. The problem is that most young people in Hong Kong are influenced by Western individualistic ideology, and extreme egocentric thinking is most likely to induce thoughts of suicide. Therefore, exposing the younger generation to traditional Chinese concepts of human ethics should have a certain balancing effect.

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