What options is Putin considering after Biden’s weapons shipment to Ukraine?

The arms support Ukraine received from United States he looked at what position he is going to take Vladimir Putin before it, because the country that it invaded 22 days ago continues to arm itself and without completely declining its entry into NATO.

Although the president Volodimir Zelensky gave up this idea, for his government there is a stone in the road that Putin knows very well, and that is that the Ukrainian parliament is the one that has the power to give the last word regarding joining NATO, since the government before today leader promoted a law which gave free rein for Ukraine to be one more ally of the group.

This is when Putin enters, since his wish is that Ukraine does not enter. The crossroads is that for this to materialize, the Rada Suprema –parliament– must legislate to repeal the aforementioned law, which has not happened because Russian troops are three weeks into an invasion armed that seems not to stop.

The efforts, for the moment, have been in vain, and have been passed by an agenda in which the Kremlin has imposed conditions. This led to the sixth round of negotiations on Wednesday, in which a ceasefire and troop withdrawal were put on the table in exchange for lifting the economic sanctions that the West has placed on Russia.

Along with this dialogue, Zelensky spoke before the United States Congress to ask for their support because, despite the talks with Russia, the missiles do not stop falling on kyiv and other cities.

Zelensky appealed to memory

Dressed in military green and with the exhibition of a video regarding the ravages that the war has left them, the Ukrainian president went to the Capitol resorting to memories to get support.

In regarding 20 minutes of speech, the Ukrainian leader took the opportunity to refer to the attacks on the Twin Towers already Pearl Harborwords that were part of the request for an exclusion zone in Ukraine and an assortment of weapons to counteract Russia.

After listening to him, the support of the North Americans was partial, since although they did not embrace the idea of ​​creating the area, the Joe Biden government ended up sending them 2.000 misiles Javelin, 6,000 rocket launchers, hundreds of rifles and pistols, and 20 million bullets to defend once morest the Russian advance ordered by Putin, whom Biden branded as a “war criminal.” That rise in tone in his speech was also accompanied by financial support of 800 million dollars destined to reinforce the security of the Ukrainian population and troops.

massacre of civilians

While Zelenski intervened by videoconference with the United States, several civilians were killed by Russian soldiers outside. This was demonstrated with the attack on a bakery in Chernigovto which, according to the official Ukrainian report, troops from the Kremlin arrived to shoot indiscriminately at the population lining up to buy food.

In that onslaught at least 10 people diedwho join a hundred victims in that city who have seen how the Russians increasingly surround them.

Another attack on the 22nd took place in a theater that houses refugees in Mariupolin which the damages that Russia is not responsible for are still being examined, since they have been exempted from any fault.

To prevent further massacres, Ukraine’s chief negotiator, Mijailo Podoliakwill continue to use the diplomatic channel with the Russians, which, for now, is clear regarding Ukraine’s request to stop the war, waiting for what Putin decides to do.


millions of dollars allocated by Joe Biden for Ukraine to defend itself from Russia.



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