What mobile phone does Elizabeth 2 have and who does she call most often

Her Majesty’s mobile device is unhackable.

Elizabeth II Photo: Global Look Press

Lately Elizabeth II became very close to Prince William and Kate Middleton. She spends a lot of time in the company of Prince Charles. However, these are not the people she calls most often.

It turned out that in the contact list Her Majesty there are two numbers that she dials with particular regularity. These are the phones of her daughter Princess Anne and racing manager John Warren. Writes regarding it The Sun with reference to royal expert Jonathan Sacerdoti.

“The two people she calls most often are said to be her daughter, Princess Anne, and her racing manager, John Warren. He is the son-in-law of the Queen’s friend, the late Earl of Carnarvon. He lived at Highclere Castle in Berkshire, which is known as Downton Abbey.

In addition, it turned out that the queen uses a Samsung brand phone, which is equipped with a special encryption system. It’s almost impossible to crack it.

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