What makes us shine again

you are so radiant How do you do it?” Sentences that Christine Reiler hears once more and once more. “And of course I’m glad that some people perceive me that way,” says the doctor and moderator and has now summarized her findings and “secrets” in a book.

“Basically, they are well-known recipes: These include inner contentment, regular exercise, drinking plenty of water and a diet with all the vitamins and nutrients that the body needs.” When it comes to beauty, the native of Lower Austria, who was crowned Miss Austria in 2007, is a professional anyway – even if her looks are no longer as important. “I’m in my 40s. Now it’s important to me that I feel comfortable in my own skin. But of course: if I can do something to help me grow older happy and smart, then all the better,” says Christine Reiler and reveals her top 3-“Secrets for the perfect glow”:

1Bitter substances are a blessing for our digestion, which plays a central role in detoxification. They are essential for our body and our immune system,” says medicinal herb expert Christine Reiler, recommending dandelion in particular. “It’s really great and grows in almost every garden. It contains many vitamins and minerals, the root also contains the dietary fiber inulin, which our helpful intestinal bacteria are particularly fond of,” explains the doctor from Mödling. All parts of the plant can be used as medicinal herbs and vegetables. “The leaves are suitable as Ingredient in salads, smoothies, for pesto or spicy sauces. The root can be steamed or fried,” explains Christine Reiler in her new book. Externally, on the other hand, particularly dry or chapped skin is happy regarding the healing power of dandelion.

2As a mother of two, relaxing isn’t always easy. Nevertheless, I have learned to take time for myself. That’s essential for charisma,” says Reiler. “Because when we’re stressed and unhappy, you can see it in our eyes – and vice versa. When we are in balance, life shines out of our eyes.” Reiler’s favorite plant for calming down is St. John’s wort. It is also used in Europe as a herbal sedative and antidepressant. A tea made from it (1 teaspoon St. John’s wort with 150 ml water pour on) helps once morest mood swings.

3To support external beauty, the 41-year-old recommends her second “favorite” among medicinal plants, the marigold. “The cream is just so good for the skin. For me, this also falls under pampering and care, because it is important for inner radiance that you take good care of yourself – and treat yourself to something,” says the doctor and ORF presenter and then describes how she makes her own marigold oil.

Calendula Oil:

Place two handfuls of fresh, dry marigold petals in a glass jar with extra virgin vegetable oil, making sure the petals are completely covered with oil. Cover and leave in a dark, cool place for four weeks, shaking the jar once a day. Strain the finished mixture through a cheesecloth and fill it into a brown glass bottle. Calendula oil keeps for several months.

Marigold care ointment: A wonderful ointment can be prepared from the oil, says Christine Reiler: Gently heat 200 ml of marigold oil in a water bath. Add 25 g beeswax and melt while stirring. Remove the pot from the stove and continue stirring. Pour the warm mass into small, dark screw-top jars. Let cool and seal the jars. The ointment has a shelf life of regarding a year.

Valerie Hader

Valerie Hader


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