2024-02-28 14:46:00
If your brother or younger son writes you words like LOL, POV, IDK, BAE, DM, and others on WhatsApp, here I explain what they really mean.
Every week WhatsApp is adding more functions within its application for Android and iPhone smartphones. It not only allows you to interact with your best friends using stickers, traditional emojis or a variety of acronyms. Are you really familiar with the meanings of LOL, POV, IDK, BAE, NSFW, IRL and DM? These words are common among younger people, and today I teach you how to decipher them and, perhaps, start using them in your chats.
The words DIY, TIME, OC and SMH are others. Have you seen them? It should be noted that there is nothing wrong with writing them on WhatsApp, since they are not bad words, much less insults. Don’t worry if your youngest child has decided to send you one of them, because I will answer all the questions you may have. Keep in mind that these terms are part of what is known as “language economy.”
LOOK: How to activate “mint mode” in the latest version of WhatsApp
What LOL, POV, IDK, BAE, DM and others mean on WhatsApp
LOLI’m laughing out loud (laughing out loud)POVPoint of view (point of view)BAEMy number one (before anyone else)IDKI have no idea (I don’t know)DMBy private message (direct message)ILYTe amo (I love you)NSFWInappropriate content/ offensive (not safe for work)TBHA tell the truth (to be honest)OPOriginal publisher (original poster)DIYDo it yourself (do it yourself)TIMEStears come to my eyes, how sad (tears in my eyes)OCOriginal content (original content) TMBTweet me (tweet me back)SMHOf course / shaking my head (shaking my head)IRLEn la vida real (in real life)OHIt is rumored that… (overheard)IDCI don’t care at all (I don’t care)ZZZHow sleepy/tired /boredom!GLLuck! (good luck)TIAThanks in advance (thanks in advance)
Make sure the other person also knows the meaning of these acronyms on WhatsApp. If not, the best thing would be to explain it or, who knows, share this note.
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#LOL #POV #IDK #among #WhatsApp #conversations #SPORTPLAY