What it is, how it is generated and who it affects

In times of the 4T, in Mexico There is a phenomenon called narcoinflationsays federal deputy Rubén Moreira Valdez, and it is a neologism that refers to the fact that the Organized crime becomes the structuring axis of a criminal economywhich coexists and is intertwined with the formal or legal economy.

What is narcoinflation in Mexico and how is it generated?

The narcoinflation It is the surplus to be paid for each product generated by organized crime in Mexico through the floor fee collection and extortion to the producers, carriers and merchants, said federal deputy Rubén Moreira Valdez.

In his weekly program “With Pears, Apples and Oranges”, accompanied by economist Mario Di Costanzo and of the Lawyer Miguel Angel SulubThe congressional leader pointed out that this applies to the planting, distribution or sale of any legal product that is subsequently transported and at the end of the day costs the consumer.

He explained the situation that the lemon trees of Michoacanwhere a week ago a kilo of lemon cost 32 pesos.

From that value, he said, the extortion with two pesos to the producer, another similar amount to the transporter and when it arrives at the Central de Abasto, they also charge the fruit seller.

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He indicated that, according to producers, those two pesos they paid for the right of floorcrime increased it to five pesos, a situation for which the lemon growers have gone on strike.

“He Governor of Michoacan What does it do about that? It should address the problem of extortion. On the other hand, we see Morena In the Chamber of Deputies, wanting to impose more penalties and make the crime of extortion more serious, it is easier for them to go and catch them,” emphasized the PRI legislator.

Why does narcoinflation in Mexico affect everyone?

In the program they explained that Narcoinflation in Mexico affects all consumerssince once organized crime assigns extortion quotas for not killing them or burning their properties, the Business owners must raise the price of their products and servicesso those who acquire them end up paying for it.

In this sense, Rubén Moreira Valdez accused that in the country, many of the income from organized crime They do not come from the planting and trafficking of drugs, but from collection of rent and public money.

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In a large number of municipalities, especially in the West, it happens that the Criminal groups put officialswho grant them concessions for public works.

Moreira Valdez claimed that a placebo effect is beginning to be generated, indicating that there is a certain peace in the country.

“But what the lemon trees are experiencing is proof of the control that organized crime has over a part of the territorywhile the National Guard is of no use in solving this problem.”

In this regard, the economist Mario DiCostanzo He noted that, according to a study by the UNAMBetween 10 and 15% of the increase in the prices of basic food products is due to the collection of floor fees.

He exemplified that in 2018, a lemon cost 12 pesos and today it costs 40 pesos, an increase of more than 200%.

Criminals earn 200 billion pesos a year from extortion

He stated that the profits from organized crime by floor fee collection amounts to 200 billion pesos annuallywhich, he said, is worrying, since this year the National Guard has been assigned 76 billion pesoswhich means that organized crime gets more than twice that budget.

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Lawyer Miguel Ángel Sulub said that this week the reform on the matter of official imprisonment was addressed, an initiative in which the catalogue of crimes is expandedincluding extortion.

He detailed that it is estimated 4.9 million extortions per yearmany of them carried out from prison, with which the prisoners pay internal bills.

Morena “leaves the country in the hands of crime”: Rubén Moreira Valdez

It is not the first time that Moreira Valdez has denounced the issue of Narcoinflation in Mexico and explains what it is, how it is generated and who it affects in order to better understand this phenomenon that leaves citizens defenseless.

Last week, during the debate on the presidential reform to expand the catalogue of crimes that merit pretrial detention, The legislator criticized Morena for “leaving the country in the hands of crime”.

#generated #affects
2024-08-30 06:21:16



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