what is wrong with Zhanna Aguzarova

The singer’s desires turned out to be quite mundane.

In order for a musician to become successful and recognizable, he needs to come up with a memorable image. And it happens that outside the stage, the performer turns out to be a completely different person who rather disappoints his fans than delights.

To the surprise of many, it turned out that Zhanna Aguzarova is just such an artist. Throughout its career, it has created an aura of mystery around itself. The singer was not embarrassed by the fact that she was compared with an alien, and she herself supported this topic in every possible way. Therefore, she was considered a “Martian”.

But a colleague of the performer Valery Syutkin said that nothing human is alien to Zhanna. And when it comes to discussing the fee, she always actively defends her interests. Moreover, in an interview “Express newspaper” the singer said that Aguzarova has a very difficult character. And one day she just ran away before the bilinear concert of the Bravo group.

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