what is wrong with me and how do i solve it

I think I do well at all meals but still I usually feel like chop from time to time, or rather, at all hours, especially sweet things. What’s happening to me? Why can’t I control myself like other people? In this episode of ‘Wellness Alphabet’ podcast the journalists Laura Pintos and Raquel Alcolea interview the clinical nutritionist Blanca Garcia-Orea Haro to know what is hidden behind the anxiety with food.

Blanca García-Orea Haro, known as
on Instagram, she is a clinical nutritionist, specializing in digestive and hormonal nutritionmaster in Microbiota Human and disseminator on social networks with more than 700,000 followers on Instagram. She co-directs the Clínicas Segura medical center and is the author of the works ‘
tell me what i eat now
‘, ‘Tell me what you eat and I’ll tell you what bacteria you have’ and another about their healthy culinary proposals called ‘
Blanca’s recipes

‘. In addition, he teaches courses on the close relationship of the intestine with the quality of our emotions and the state of our immune system.

The journalists Laura Pintos and Raquel Alcolea, during the recording of the podcast ‘Abecedario del Bienestar’ with Blanca García-Orea Haro, @blancanutri. – Melissa Gonzalez

Editing and assembly of the podcast: Manuel Garre.

Interviews and production: Laura Pintos and Raquel Alcolea.

You can listen to the previous episodes here
Wellness Alphabet podcast

You can also enjoy them by clicking on the following links:

The secret of happiness
according to Mario Alonso Puig.

How to improve your relationship with others with just one word
. With Peace Calap

How to find a purpose to succeed in life
. With Alejandra Llamas.

Why compulsive purchases produce a strange sensation of pleasure.
With Buenaventura del Charco.

Why it is so important to work on strength when you exercise.
Con Alfonso M. Arce.

You can take care of your microbiota even with the lunch box you take to the office.
With Olalla Otero.

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Why do you feel that he doesn’t love you enough?
. with Teresa Terol

– How to diet without dieting: learn to get along with food. With Pablo Ojeda.

You can tell who the love of your life is just by smelling it.
With Teresa Arnandis.

How to be happy being an imperfect couple.
With Núria Jorba.

Why some people complain about everything and what the complaint is for.
With Jesus Matos.

– Insomnia: this is what happens in your body when you sleep little. With Jana Fernandez.

How to identify people who destroy your self-esteem
. With Ana Belén Medialdea.

See them

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