What is today, October 13, a holiday – everything about this day, what a church holiday, what should not be done

Today is October 13: A Day of Faith, Commemoration, and Surprising Observances!

Welcome, dear readers, to the most exciting day since… well, yesterday! Today, October 13, as we sit here contemplating our life choices, we honor two significant themes: the Day of Employees of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of Ukraine and the remembrance of holy martyrs Carpus, Papilla, and Agathonica. Oh yes, it’s a day to rejoice and reflect, with 79 days left until we start preparing our New Year’s resolutions that we won’t stick to! Brilliant!

What about the holy martyrs, you ask?

Around 165 AD, these Roman soldiers decided faith was more important than keeping their heads attached. They became martyrs for Christ—the original examples of bravery, right before it became trendy! They remind us all to have faith even when the world seems to be throwing us curveballs… or, in modern parlance, a global pandemic.

What NOT to Do on October 13

  • Absolutely no black clothes! We’re not doing the funeral chic look today, folks.
  • No inviting guests! Clearly, a day for solitude and contemplation. Hope your social calendar isn’t full!
  • And for goodness’ sake, keep your achievements to yourself. This isn’t the day for bragging, although I’m sure we all have a thing or two to boast about!

Folk Signs and Traditions for October 13

Our ancestors were a whimsical bunch, perhaps a bit pessimistic, because they based their entire mood on the weather! They gazed at the sky and considered:

  • If the sky is dark blue, get ready for rain—might want that umbrella handy!
  • If the sun peeks through dark clouds, expect a mood swing… or weather swing!
  • If the day remains gloomy, well, you’ve got your Tuesday feeling dragging on into the weekend.
  • And if you hear a rooster crowing in the evening… run to check your local weather app; something is definitely afoot!

Also, tradition had it that a trip to the bathhouse was essential. No, not for cleanliness—this was a psychological cleanse of sorts. Wash off sins! Go on then, metaphorically splashing away that existential dread!

Birthdays Galore!

To the babies born today: You share your birth date with illustrious names like:

  • 1923 — Mykhailo Sikorskyi: Ukrainian historian and hero (a big deal, folks!)
  • 1925 — Margaret Thatcher: The Iron Lady herself!
  • 1971 — And lest we forget, a Ukrainian football player, Mykhailo Starostyak, because sports are important too!

And for those curious about the birthstone, chrysoberyl is your gem. Get this: in India, it supposedly helps folks understand animal languages. Maybe you’ll finally get why your cat looks at you like you’re nuts!

Commemorative Dates: A History Buff’s Delight

Ready for a history lesson that might make you the most interesting person at the next gathering? Here are some significant events from October 13 across the years:

  • 1307 – French Templars arrested—definitely not a fun day at that office.
  • 1582 – Italy switches from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian… feel free to blame this switch for your lack of punctuality!
  • 1792 – A big day for the White House; no, not the one with Twitter debates, the actual construction started!
  • 1860 – The first aerial photo—imagine Instagram in 1860; thousands of unsent letters. Crazy, huh?
  • 1987 – Dolphins in the Persian Gulf… because who doesn’t want a pet that can outsmart you in military operations?

Weather Forecast and Observances

So what’s the weather like today across Ukraine? Depending on where you are, you’ll see a mix of clouds, some rain, and for those lucky enough to be in Odesa, sunshine! In true Ukrainian style, dresses for the weather should always involve layers!

Special Observances on October 13

  • International Costume Day: Break out your best attire and show those costumes who the boss is!
  • World Thrombosis Day: Raise awareness about blood clots while possibly getting your heart rate up with the aforementioned costumes!
  • International Day of Skeptics: Time to put your critical thinking hats on—uh, make sure it’s not too tight!
  • International Day of Losers: You heard that right! This day encourages us to embrace failure—a motto many of us already live by.

Make Your Thoughts Count!

October 13 is a smorgasbord of events—celebrating holy martyrs, public health heroes, creativity, and even the quirks of our human nature. So, raise your (non-black) glass to today, whether it’s for commemorating those who have dedicated their lives to service, embracing costume creativity, or learning that every failure brings us a step closer to greatness—or at least to a good laugh. Be grand, be bold, and remember: sometimes, you just need a good roostering to shake things up!

Today, October 13, is the Day of Employees of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of Ukraine. Believers honor the memory of the holy martyrs Carpus, Papilla and Agathonica. There are 79 days left until the New Year.

October 13, 2024 – Sunday. The 963rd day of the war in Ukraine.

What kind of church holiday is it today?

October 13 in the church calendar – the day of commemoration of the holy martyrs Carpus, Papilla and Agathonica. They were Roman soldiers who remained faithful to Christ and were executed for their faith. They were found in Pergamum, Asia, and were martyred for the faith in 165. These holy martyrs symbolize faithfulness to Christ even in the face of death. Their names remind us of the importance of faith and courage in difficult times.

What not to do on October 13

  • It is not allowed to wear black clothes.
  • You cannot invite people to visit.
  • It is forbidden to brag about your achievements.

Folk signs and traditions for October 13

Among our ancestors there were many interesting omens for this day:

  • looked at what day it is today: the sky is dark blue – wait for rain;
  • dark and dense clouds, but the sun came out – the weather will be changeable;
  • the weather hardly changes during the day – it will be gloomy for a long time;
  • the rooster crows in the evening – to a rapid change in the weather.

On October 13, a rooster crows in the evening – to a quick change in the weather / Photo: Unsplash

Our ancestors traditionally went to the bathhouse to “wash off” not only dirt, but also sins. And even after that, they had to arrange gatherings.

Name day: how to name a child born on October 13

What are today’s birthdays: Anton, Nikita, Mykola, Yakiv, Zlata.

The talisman of a person born on October 13 is chrysoberyl. Translucent or transparent gemstone. In India, chrysoberyl is considered an amulet that helps to understand the language of animals.

Born on this day:

  • 1923 — Ukrainian historian; honorary director of the reserve “Pereyaslav”, Hero of Ukraine Mykhailo Sikorskyi;
  • 1925 — Prime Minister of Great Britain Margaret Thatcher;
  • 1971 – Ukrainian football player Mykhailo Starostyak.

Commemorative dates of October 13

Calendar of important events in Ukraine and the world for October 13:

  • 1307 – by order of King Philip IV the Fair, all French Templars were arrested at the same time;
  • 1582 – in Italy and other Catholic countries, the Julian calendar (old style) was replaced by the Gregorian (new style);
  • 1675 – Dutch physicist Christian Huygens receives a patent for a pocket watch;
  • 1792 – the construction of the White House begins in Washington;
  • 1860 – the first photograph from a hot air balloon is taken in the USA;
  • 1871 — Pavel Galagan College opens in Kyiv;
  • 1875 — Chernivtsi University was opened;
  • 1884 – Greenwich is approved as the location of the zero meridian;
  • 1894 — the Ukrainian People’s Union was founded in Pennsylvania;
  • 1927 — on the initiative of the International Labor Organization, the International Social Security Association was founded;
  • 1943 – The Kingdom of Italy declares war on the Third Reich;
  • 1987 – in the Persian Gulf, the US Navy used dolphins for military purposes for the first time in the world;
  • 1992 — Leonid Kuchma is confirmed as Prime Minister of Ukraine;
  • 1996 — the Southern Ukrainian Economic Union is created in Crimea;
  • 1998 — NATO presents the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia with an ultimatum demanding the withdrawal of troops from Kosovo.

Weather for October 13

Today, October 13, it is cloudy in Kyiv, rain is possible at night. It is gloomy in Lviv, without precipitation. It is cloudy in Kharkiv, no precipitation is expected. It is sunny in Odessa, without precipitation.

The air temperature in Kyiv is +12 during the day and +8 at night. In Lviv it is +15 during the day and +4 at night. In Kharkiv +12 during the day and +8 at night. In Odesa it is +17 during the day and +11 at night.

What a day today is in Ukraine and the world

On October 13, Ukraine celebrates the Day of Employees of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service / Photo: Photo from open sources

October 13 is celebrated in Ukraine Day of employees of the state sanitary and epidemiological service. This day is dedicated to employees who work continuously for the benefit of public health and protection against epidemics. The Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of Ukraine plays an important role in preventing and controlling the spread of infectious diseases, ensuring sanitary supervision of the environment, water, food products and other aspects affecting people’s health.

Also on October 13 Day of professional unions of Ukraine. This day is dedicated to the memory and honoring of trade unions, which play an important role in the development of the country’s economy and society. Professional unions ensure the protection of the rights and interests of their members, contribute to the improvement of their qualifications and professional mobility. This day is also created to raise awareness of the importance of trade unions in today’s society and to support their activities. It is a time to remember those who gave their lives to protect the rights and interests of workers.

And on October 13 Artist’s Day of Ukraine. This holiday is dedicated to all creative people who made a huge contribution to the culture and art of Ukraine. This day aims to raise awareness of art, support and protect creative personalities, as well as involve young people in creative processes.

October 13 is celebrated International Costume Day. This day is dedicated to costumes and their importance in society. People wear different costumes to mark this special day and participate in various activities such as carnivals, dinner parties and other festive events. The day is also a reminder of the importance of clothing as part of culture and history. It allows people to express their creativity and imagination through their choice of costumes.

Also on October 13 International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction. This day is designed to raise awareness of the dangers of natural disasters and involve all citizens in efforts to reduce them. It was founded in 1989 by the UN Council on Sustainable Development.

And on October 13 World Thrombosis Day. This day is designed to raise awareness of thrombosis, its risks and methods of prevention. Thrombosis is the formation of blood clots in the blood, which can lead to serious complications such as stroke or heart attack.

October 13 is celebrated International Plain Language Day. This day is dedicated to the idea that information should be clear and accessible to everyone. Simple language helps people understand important messages more easily, especially those who have difficulty reading or understanding complex texts. The point of the day is to encourage the use of simple and understandable expressions in all areas of life – from government documents to medical instructions. It’s a day when it’s important to remind ourselves and others how useful and necessary it is to use plain language for more inclusiveness.

Also on October 13 International day of losers. This day was founded in 2010 in the USA, and its purpose is to teach people to accept failure as an opportunity for growth and learning. This day reminds us that failure is a normal part of life and can be a source of important lessons and experiences. It aims to support tolerance for mistakes and failures, as well as to raise awareness that every failure can be a step towards success.

And on October 13 International Day of Skeptics. This day is dedicated to supporting critical thinking and developing skepticism. The idea of ​​this day is to support people in learning scientific methods, critical analysis of information and avoiding subjection to pseudo-scientific theories.

October 13 International day of the geological cache. This day is dedicated to geocaches, which are part of the “EarthCaches” project by Geocaching. EarthCaches are special types of caches that allow participants to explore geological features of places using GPS navigation. They do not have physical containers, but include tasks that help you learn about geological processes and the history of the area.

Also on October 13 Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day. The day is dedicated to raising awareness of this serious condition, which includes spreading information about symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and support for patients and their families.



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