What is today, July 21, a holiday – everything about this day, what a church holiday, what should not be done

Today, July 21, is the Metallurgist’s Day in Ukraine. Believers honor the memory of Saints Simeon and Ivan. There are 163 days left until the New Year.

July 21, 2024 – Sunday. 879th day of the war in Ukraine.

What kind of church holiday is it today?

July 21 in the church calendar – memorial day Saints Simeon and Ivan. Saint Simeon, a fool for Christ’s sake, and Saint John were Syrians who lived in the 6th century in the city of Edessa. From childhood, they were connected by a close friendship. The eldest of them, Simeon, was unmarried and lived with his old mother. Ivan, having just married, lived with his father (his mother had died) and his young wife. Both friends belonged to rich families.

One day they went to Jerusalem, where they entered the monastery of St. Gerasim. After some time in the monastery, Simeon and Ivan received tonsure and began a desert life. They lived in the desert for 29 years, achieved complete dispassion and a high spiritual level.

Monk Simeon thought that they should serve people, and decided to leave the desert solitude. His companion, Saint John, also decided to share this path with him. The abbot of the monastery, Nikon, opened the gate for them, and they went out into the world, ready to serve people.

What not to do on July 21

  • It is very important not to quarrel on this day.
  • Do not use any sharp objects.
  • You can’t chat in vain.

Folk signs and traditions for July 21

Among our ancestors there were many interesting omens for this day:

  • looked at what day it is today: steady rain for a good mushroom harvest;
  • if there is a downpour, autumn will seem protracted;
  • fog fell – wait for warm weather;
  • cold night – to early winter.

July 21, steady rain for a good mushroom harvest / Photo: Unsplash

Among the people, there was an interesting custom of collecting fresh water from the spring before sunrise (it was called nima). It was believed that such water helps to get rid of almost all diseases.

Name day: how to name a child born on July 21

What are today’s birthdays: George, Eugene, Ivan, Peter, Roman, Semyon, Fedir, Anna.

The talisman of a person born on July 21 is gagat. This is a type of hard coal. It has long been believed that gagat acts as a pain reliever.

Born on this day:

  • 1882 — Ukrainian futurist artist, poet, art theorist, literary and art critic, publisher David Burliuk;
  • 1906 — Ukrainian poetess, publicist, literary critic, OUN activist Olena Teliga;
  • 1907 – Ukrainian poet, archaeologist and politician, one of the leading figures of the OUN Oleg Olzhych (Oleg Kandyba).

Commemorative dates of July 21

Calendar of important events in Ukraine and the world for July 21:

  • 356 BC e. — on the night of July 21, Herostratus burns the Temple of Artemis in Ephesus;
  • 365 – an earthquake partially destroys one of the Seven Wonders of the World – the Lighthouse of Alexandria;
  • 1542 – to fight once morest Protestantism, Pope Paul III founds the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, a body that controlled the activities of the Inquisition;
  • 1773 – Pope Clement XIV issues a bull banning the Order of Jesuits;
  • 1774 — the Kyuchuk-Kainardzhii peace treaty was signed, according to which the independence of the Crimean Khanate was established;
  • 1822 – the First Mexican Empire is created;
  • 1831 — the coronation of Leopold I, the first king of Belgium;
  • 1954 – the Geneva Agreement is signed, which ended the First Indochina War and determined the fate of the French colonies in this region;
  • 1969 – American astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the surface of the moon as part of the Apollo 11 flight;
  • 1992 — the patrol ship of the Black Sea Fleet SKR-112 raises the Ukrainian flag and goes to Odessa to join the Navy of Ukraine;
  • 2013 – King Philip I of Belgium ascends the throne.

Weather for July 21

Today, July 21, it is cloudy with clearings in Kyiv, without precipitation. It is cloudy in Lviv, with a chance of light rain. It is sunny in Kharkiv, a little rain is possible. It is cloudy with clearing in Odesa, light rain is possible during the day.

The air temperature in Kyiv is +27 during the day and +19 at night. In Lviv +26 during the day and +18 at night. In Kharkiv +31 during the day and +22 at night. In Odessa +30 during the day and +23 at night.

What a day today is in Ukraine and the world

On July 21, Ukraine and the world celebrate International Ice Cream Day / Photo: Unsplash

July 21 is celebrated in Ukraine and the world International Ice Cream Day. This is a holiday that is loved by both children and adults, because ice cream gives a feeling of coolness on hot summer days. The history of the International Day of Ice Cream is connected with the US President Ronald Reagan. In 1984, he declared the third Sunday of July to be National Ice Cream Day to honor the treat enjoyed by more than ninety percent of Americans.

Also on July 21 International Junk Food Day. This is a humorous holiday dedicated to fast food and other junk food that has appeared since the 19th century. Around this time, food in a new way, rich in cholesterol, began to appear in America. Junk food is often called “empty calories”. It loads our body with an excessive amount of fat, sugar and salt, while it contains very little dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals. It is customary to consider sweets, hamburgers, sweet drinks, confectionery, French fries, etc. as such.

And they celebrate July 21 Metallurgist’s Day in Ukraine. Every year falls on the third Sunday of July. Officially, employees of the metallurgical industry accept congratulations on the professional holiday from 1993. In 2006, the name of the holiday was changed to the Day of Metallurgical and Mining Industry Workers.



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