Nabil Hallaoui – published on
The Institut Pasteur has just published a press release on the risks of shigellosis, an infection of the intestine of bacterial origin, currently in circulation in France. It is resistant to commonly prescribed antibiotics. What is this disease that seems to worry French researchers? How are its symptoms manifested and what are the recommendations to follow?
A highly contagious disease
Also known as bacillary dysentery, shigellosis is caused by the bacterium Shigella which belongs to the same family as E. coli. She is transmitted by the faecal-oral route with several contagion factors:
- The lack of personal hygiene ;
- The consumption of contaminated water or food ;
- The overcrowding.
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It’s a disease extremely contagious since simple contact with a dozen germs is enough to be contaminated. It mainly affects the poor and overpopulated regions of the world. But scientists have also observed small outbreaks in structures hosting young children (schools or nurseries) In Francein the United States and the United Kingdom in particular.
Impressive symptoms
L’Pastor Institute evoked 200,000 dead every year worldwide, including 65,000 children less than 5 years old. After one very short incubation period, shigellosis causes severe abdominal paina bloody diarrheaoften accompanied by nauseaof vomiting and of fever. These symptoms can last from a few days to a few weeks.
Infants, young children and the elderly are considered vulnerable to the bacteria. Certain complications can unfortunately occur, and risk the life of the patient:
- A dehydration ;
- A hypoglycemia ;
- And septic shock (dangerous drop in blood pressure);
- A renal failure ;
- A intestinal obstruction.
What measures should be applied in the event of contamination?
Usually the intestinal diseasescaused by a bacterium, are cured by a regular rehydration and antibiotics. But, this proves to be insufficient with bacillary dysentery. Indeed, prescribed antibiotics (amoxicillin for example) remain ineffective once morest certain strains of shigellosis, such as S. sonnei which is dominant in the observed cases.
Other drugs exist, but they are rarer and more expensive. The Institut Pasteur suggests the urgent vaccine development to permanently treat this disease.
In case of suspicion, consult your doctor and immediately put in place the hygiene measures basics:
- The frequent hand washing ;
- The systematic cleaning of sanitary facilities ;
- The wearing a mask;
- L’water sanitation.
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