what is the weather for this Sunday, March 20?

– Quite cold weather with frost or black ice in places on the reliefs.

– Low morning clouds with misty formations or local drizzles on the coasts and the northern and central plains.

– Cloudy periods becoming increasingly dense with rain or locally stormy showers in the afternoon and the following night over the northern plains, the Rif, the Saiss, the Mediterranean and the High and Middle Atlas.

– Moderate to fairly strong wind from the east over Tangier and the Mediterranean and from the north on the south coast and weak to moderate, from the south over the southeast and from the eastern highlands and from north to west elsewhere.

– Some dust blowers on the south of the Oriental and the south-east.

– Minimum temperatures of around -03/03°c on the Atlas, 03/08°c on the Rif, the Moulouya valley and the Oriental, 14/18°c on the Saharan provinces and 08/ 14°C elsewhere.

– Maximum temperatures up slightly in the east and down elsewhere.

– Slight to rough seas in the Mediterranean and on the Strait as well as moderate to rough locally light to rough seas between Tarfaya and Boujdour.

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