What is the violin spider, responsible for the death of two Italians?

This Saturday, August 17, a young Italian man succumbed to the bite of a violinist spider. Focus on this species of spider that has already killed another Italian since the beginning of the summer.

The violinist spider, the recluse or “loxosceles rufescens”, for its scientific name… This venomous species is currently raging in Europe. A 23-year-old Italian man died this Saturday, August 17 after being bitten by one of these spiders, according to the Ansa agency, the second fatal incident of this nature this summer in the peninsula.

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Giuseppe Russo died at dawn in the hospital in Bari (south) from septic shock and general failure of his vital organs more than a month after being bitten on the leg. In July, a 52-year-old Sicilian carabinieri, Franco Aiello, had already succumbed to the bite of a violin spider.

Presence in France

Small in size (7.5 mm on average), loxosceles rufescens owes its name to a violin-shaped spot on its body. It likes arid lands, crevices and is often found near homes, especially gardens. It is discreet by nature, very fearful and its activity is mainly nocturnal.

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The violinist spider is found in Mediterranean countries, Asia and North America, according to the World Spider Catalogue maintained by the Natural History Museum in Bern. The recluse likes warm, dry and dark places. It is found in France in Mediterranean regions, under stones and bark.

A few cases of fiddler spider bites have already been reported in France, but so far none have been fatal. During the summer of 2015, 9 cases of bites resulting in significant necrosis were recorded in the PACA and Occitanie regions.

Operating mode

The recluse spider has venom that it does not systematically release with each bite. This can be dangerous if not treated in time; the venom can cause lesions of almost 10 cm in circumference. The main danger of a fiddler spider bite is the risk of skin necrosis of the affected tissues, although this remains rare.

The latter only bites when certain specific conditions are met… namely that the spider’s body is being crushed, for example, and that there is no possible escape. This defensive reflex corresponds to the spider’s last resort to defend itself.

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This spider does not attack humans. It is only aggressive when it is trapped in clothing. In two out of three cases of bites recorded in France, it had slipped into a trouser leg… Note that according to the Marseille anti-poison center, quoted by France 3the spider’s venom would become more toxic in periods of high heat.



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