What is the system of anti-terrorist operations introduced in the Bryansk, Kursk and Belgorod regions – August 10, 2024

What is the system of anti-terrorist operations introduced in the Bryansk, Kursk and Belgorod regions – August 10, 2024

2024-08-09 22:04:23

news/articles/327458adb6677494596430ff943c3c43097cb471_1032_761.jpg" class="H5ael DDpv">

Photo: Alexander Milidonov/Kommersant

What is the system of anti-terrorist operations introduced in the Bryansk, Kursk and Belgorod regions – August 10, 2024share

On the evening of August 10, multiple regions in Russia (a total of three regions as of press time) introduced anti-terrorism action systems. These are the Bryansk, Kursk and Belgorod border areas. how explained Acting Governor of the Kursk Region, Operation to expel Ukrainian armed forces continues Beyond the country’s borders, this is due to “the increased level of sabotage and terrorist threats from Ukraine”.

national counterterrorism committee claim: “Kiev has made an unprecedented attempt to destabilize the situation in multiple regions of Russia.” Combined with the CTO system in the three regions, “additional measures are being taken to ensure security, maintain law and order, and strengthen facility protection.” Fontanka spoke about the implications of the CTO regime and what preparations local residents should make.

Let us recall that the CTO regime was introduced on the night of June 24, 2023, during the Wagner PMC mutiny in several regions of Russia: Moscow, Moscow, Voronezh and Rostov regions. This certificate is ready Then. Just recently, in June 2024, Dagestan introduced CTOs, when There is an operation in progress to eliminate the militants.

The system of counter-terrorism operations is determined by Art. 11 Federal Law No. 35-FZ of March 6, 2006 “On combating terrorism“It was launched to “suppress and expose terrorist acts, minimize their consequences, and protect the vital interests of individuals, society and the country.” Importantly, the validity period of such a regime is mandatory (yet not yet).

In areas where counter-terrorism regimes are implemented, citizens’ rights and freedoms are severely restricted.

1) Check the identity documents of individuals and, in the absence of such documents, hand over these persons to the internal affairs service of the Russian Federation (other competent authorities) to determine their identity;

2) Removing people from certain areas and objects and towing vehicles;

3) Strengthen the protection of public order, objects of national protection, objects that protect people’s lives and transportation operations, and objects with special material, historical, scientific, artistic or cultural value;

4) Monitor telephone calls and other messages transmitted through telecommunications systems, and search electronic communication channels and emails to identify the circumstances surrounding the commission of terrorist acts, information on persons who prepare and carry out terrorist acts, and to prevent the commission of other terrorist acts ;

5) Use of vehicles belonging to organizations, regardless of their form of ownership (with the exception of vehicles belonging to diplomatic missions, consulates and other institutions of foreign and international organizations) and, in emergencies, vehicles belonging to individuals for transportation requiring urgent medical care people, medical institutions and prosecuting those suspected of committing terrorist acts where delays could pose a real threat to people’s lives or health. The procedure for reimbursement of expenses related to the use of such vehicles shall be determined by the Government of the Russian Federation;

6) Stop the activities of hazardous industries and organizations that use explosive, radioactive, chemical and biological hazardous substances;

7) Suspend the provision of communication services to legal persons and individuals or restrict the use of communication networks and means;

8) Temporary resettlement The entry into safe areas of individuals residing in territories that have introduced a legal regime for counter-terrorism operations and the compulsory provision of permanent or temporary places of residence to such persons;

9) Quarantine introduction, implementation of health and epidemic prevention, veterinary and other quarantine measures;

10) Restrict the movement of vehicles and pedestrians on streets, roads, certain areas and objects;

11) Persons conducting anti-terrorist operations have unimpeded access to residential and other premises owned by individuals and to land belonging to them, as well as access to the territory and premises of organizations, regardless of their form of ownership, in order to carry out anti-terrorist measures;

12) Checking of individuals and their belongings as well as vehicles and their belongings when passing (traveling) through a territory where the legal regime for counter-terrorism operations is in force, as well as when leaving such territory, including using technical means;

13) Restrict or prohibit the sale of weapons, ammunition, explosives, special means and toxic substances, and establish a special system for the circulation of products containing narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or potent substances, ethanol, alcohol and alcohol-containing medicines and preparations;

14) Restrict or suspend private detective and security activities.

The law emphasizes that these measures can be implemented simultaneously or separately. The leader who decided to introduce the CTO regime issued a combat order (combat order) regarding the use of a set of forces and means. It can be changed only by decision of the head of the federal executive agency in the security field.

An operational headquarters is also being formed; its membership will be determined by the President of the Russian Federation. The authority of the headquarters includes formulating operational orders, determining procedures for preparing and implementing counter-terrorism operations, and the legal system for counter-terrorism operations.

For the purpose of carrying out anti-terrorist operations, a set of forces and means is established based on the decision of the person in charge of anti-terrorist operations.

The group may include the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, federal executive authorities responsible for security, defence, internal affairs, ensuring the activities of the National Guard, justice, civil defense, protection of the population and territory from emergencies, ensuring fire safety and human safety of water bodies, and the departments that make up the executive body of the entity.

From the moment the head of counter-terrorism operations issues a combat order (combat order) regarding the use of a group of forces and means, any other person, regardless of their position, can interfere in the management of the forces he leads. is not allowed. Military equipment is used by units of the federal administration involved in counter-terrorism operations.

In order to protect the life and health of the people, negotiations can be conducted by persons specially authorized by the head of counter-terrorism operations. When negotiating with terrorists, their political demands should not be taken into account.

The state provides compensation to individuals and legal persons who suffer damage as a result of terrorist acts. It is also provided that such compensation may be paid if there are substantial grounds for believing that close relatives, relatives and persons closely related to the person who committed a terrorist act suffered loss of money, valuables and other items. Income from such property.

The authorities have the right to request information from close relatives, relatives and associates of perpetrators of terrorist acts regarding the legality of money, valuables, other property and their sources of income.

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Photo: Alexander Milidonov/Kommersant

#system #antiterrorist #operations #introduced #Bryansk #Kursk #Belgorod #regions #August



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