What is the state of the farmer’s health, “cameras have recorded the perpetrators” says his son

The state of health of the 69-year-old breeder in Rethymno, after the murderous attack he received on Friday morning (06/09), inside his sheepfold in Vilandredos, he stabilized.

The perpetrators entered through the back door of the facility and opened fire on the 69-year-old, injuring him in the legs and arm. In fact, local media report that they also cut out his tongue so that he could not shout. Subsequently, the 69-year-old managed to contact one of his 3 sons, who then notified the authorities.

According to what he told MEGA, the commander of the Rethymnon Hospital, Nikos Malliaros, “the latest update is that another axial one will be made. It may need to be moved. His health condition is critical but has stabilized. He had lost a lot of blood but everyone fell on him and he was then intubated. He has 4 gunshot wounds. The wounds were on the extremities but one went through the arm and went to the chest. This caused him to bleed profusely. I know he has stitches in his tongue, but I still don’t know what happened.”

The motive

Cross-referenced information from ERT indicates that the specific attack on the 69-year-old is connected to the murderous attack with caustic liquid to a 26-year-old in Koumbe, Rethymnoat the end of July 2024, as the victim is his son. Two people were arrested for that attack, one of whom is in prison.

“They also cut out his tongue”

The 69-year-old’s son, who went and found him injured speaking to MEGA, said that, “my father now at this moment, they “sat” him now over there, I found him. He had been shot at least twice and his tongue was also cut. Because he was shouting, he tells me “I was shouting and they cut out my tongue. From there and after being transported with my mother over here in the ambulance, he lost consciousness. I never contacted my father again. My father is currently in critical condition. He called me. Since it happened after five minutes he called me”.

In fact, according to him, in the sheepfold there are cameras who have recorded his perpetrators, while many times his father had found him the tires of his farm vehicle were slashed.

#state #farmers #health #cameras #recorded #perpetrators #son



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