2023-08-11 00:00:00
The challenges of transforming production and marketing practices question the organizational arrangements in the agricultural sectors, including contractual approaches. These are diverse and few works study the effects of contracts with clauses on production conditions in addition to marketing conditions. Repositioned within the economic literature, and under the light of law, this article aims to remove ambiguities in the definition of these contracts and to draw up a set of proposals on the rationalities linked to their uses and effects, in order to propose an agenda research that would make it possible to better objectify the potential role of these contracts in the transformation and transition of the sectors.
The challenge of transforming production and marketing practices questions the organizational arrangements in the agricultural sector, including contractual arrangements. These are diverse and few studies have focused on contracts that include clauses on production conditions in addition to marketing conditions. Repositioned within the economic literature, and under the light of law, this article aims to remove ambiguities in the definition of these contracts and to draw up a set of proposals on the rationalities linked to their uses and effects, in order to propose a research agenda that will allow for a better objectification of the potential role of these production contracts in the transformation and transition of value chains.
Author’s Notes
This work is part of the PPR SPECIFICS project (ANR-20-PCPA-0008) funded by the National Research Agency (ANR). The authors thank the two anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments.
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From the reduction of transaction costs to the institutionalization of practices
1. An absence of legal definition but a singularity of the clauses of the CP
2. PCs as a tool for reducing transaction costs and aligning incentives
PCs as a coordination mechanism within competition regimes
1. CPs as a coordination tool within a competition regime
2. CPs, a form of agreement subject to competition law
3. CPs, a tool for strengthening intangible investments
CPs as a device for building change in the sectors
1. What progress for what changes?
2. CP and knowledge property rights
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The agricultural sector is undergoing profound change following the liberalization of markets (e.g Dervillé and Fink-Kessler, 2019) and societal demands for healthy and sustainable agricultural and food systems (e.g., Weindl et al., 2020 ; Magrini et al., 2018). This transition questions the capacity of the sectors to structure themselves from upstream to downstream in order to maintain their competitiveness and create new sectors (Magrini, 2023; Meynard et al.2017 ; Fares et al., 2012). Reinforced contractualization between economic operators is increasingly put forward by public policies to help with this.
However, there are few research works on the contractual forms binding the operators of the agricultural sectors (Guimarães et al., 2023). In France, an issue of the magazine rural economy drew up an overview of the uses of contracts in the agricultural sectors and their theoretical fundamentals (Bouamra-Mechemache et al., 2015). This issue highlights the economic mecha…
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Paper reference
Marie-Benoit MagriniLucas BettoniMelissa Bouroullec-Machadocelia CholesMarie DervilleDidier Krajeski and Genevieve Nguyen, “What is the singularity of production contracts, in France, in a context of transition of agricultural sectors? », rural economy385 | 2023, 119-140.
Electronic reference
Marie-Benoit MagriniLucas BettoniMelissa Bouroullec-Machadocelia CholesMarie DervilleDidier Krajeski and Genevieve Nguyen, “What is the singularity of production contracts, in France, in a context of transition of agricultural sectors? », rural economy [En ligne], 385 | July-September, posted on January 04, 2025consulted the August 14, 2023. URL : http://journals.openedition.org/economierurale/11830
Marie-Benoit Magrini
AGIR, Toulouse University, INRAE, Castanet-Tolosan, France; [email protected]
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