What is the reason for the increase in divorce rates around the world?

What is the reason for the increase in divorce rate? This is the question that has forced everyone to think why a beautiful relationship like a husband and wife gets broken at this stage.

One of the major reasons for the increase in divorce rates around the world is the husband or wife getting lost in their mobile phone instead of paying attention to their spouse.

Scientific research conducted at Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University in Turkey in the scientific journal (Computers in Human Behavior) states that when one of the spouses spends most of their time on the mobile phone and does not focus on their spouse. If it does, the marriage will be affected.

Published research has coined the term Phubbing for this process and suggests that excessive use of smartphones makes other people feel bad.

For scientific research, 172 couples of about 37 years of age were included and it was seen that what difference does the use of mobile phones have on the relationship?

According to the published report, not only the details were obtained from the couples to be included in the research, but questionnaires were also filled to check their mental health.

One of the objectives of the questionnaire administered to the couples was to assess their communication skills.

According to the report, the results proved that if one of the husband or wife spends more time on mobile then the mutual relationship is more affected and this habit is destructive for married people.

According to experts, the partners of those who spend more time on mobile phones consider themselves neglected, they feel bad and then quarrels increase.

According to the research conducted at the University of Turkey, paying full attention to the words and thoughts of the spouse reduces mutual bitterness.

According to experts, the research was somewhat limited because the findings relied on self-reports by couples, and more research is needed.

The published report advises married people to improve their communication skills to ensure a happy life.

#reason #increase #divorce #rates #world
2024-08-07 01:30:08



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