What is the loss of purchasing power in doctors

Miguel Borra, president of CSIF.

The Central Independent Trade Union and Officials (CSIF) has convened a demonstration in Madrid for September 24. This was announced this Monday at a press conference by its president, Miguel Borra, who has denounced the progressive loss of purchasing power derived from inflation in recent years. According to his calculation, this loss of purchasing power suffered by the public sector is equivalent to “a doctor has worked for free 18 months in a decade, a nurse or a teacher has worked 15 months for free and a policeman has worked for free 13 months in the last decade”.

“We have already contributed more than enough to the income pact”, added Borra, who has encouraged all workers, both from the public and private sectors, to join this mobilization, with the aim that the Government of Pedro Sánchez sits down to negotiate a salary increase for the Administration staff to compensate for the loss of purchasing power.

“CSIF calls for a major national demonstration in the face of the serious situation of social deterioration and economic uncertainty that Spaniards are facing, especially the middle and working classes, and in the face of the increasingly evident risk of entering a recession,” he pointed out.

In this sense, Borras underlined that, “before a social bankruptcy occurs”, CSIF wants to give all the country’s workers the opportunity to show their discontent and extend the proposal to the entire civil society. “It is time to tell the Government Enough!” He stressed during his speech.

The president of CSIF has recalled that, in 2021, public salaries increased by 0.9 percent, when the CPI closed with an average rise of 3.1 percent, and that, in 2022, salaries have increased by 2 percent when inflation is around 10 percent. “If we add to this the accumulated loss since the socialist government of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero lowered wages, public employees are currently 20 percent poorer,” he lamented.

In addition to salary claims, from CSIF they demand a debate on the viability of the pension systemrecognition of both public and private employees who faced the pandemic and a State Pact for public services, as well as more information on the management of European funds.

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