What is the hunting license?


THE KEYS TO THE ÉLYSÉE. Until the end of the presidential campaign, the cheat sheet of the Journal du Dimanche will define the words of the political debate. Because there are never any stupid questions, our section will go over the concepts used by all the candidates and commentators without us ever taking the time to explain them.

It is to Napoleon 1st that we owe the establishment of a “hunting passport” to regulate a practice democratized during the Revolution. Three conditions now open access to the exam that five million French people have passed, including 1.02 million once more last year: : be 15 years old, a medical certificate and a sworn statement of non-registration in the national file of persons prohibited from acquiring and possessing a weapon.

find all the cheat sheets of the Journal de Demain here

Organized by the French Office for Biodiversity (OFB) in collaboration with the departmental federations of hunters, the event takes place over a single day and includes practical exercises followed by theoretical questions.

The candidate must obtain at least 25 points out of 31 without eliminating fault in the practical exercises or the theoretical questions. This involves, for example, carrying out a simulated hunting course with blank firing or transporting a weapon in a vehicle.

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