What is the hole inside the fridge for?

2023-05-19 16:04:15

But, you should thank him every day. Because, without it, your fridge would not be as efficient. And since it avoids a lot of damage, it should never be neglected. What exactly is it for and how do you maintain it to always keep it in good condition? We will explain everything to you.

Small hole in the fridge. Source: spm

What is the function of this little hole in the refrigerator?

Open your fridge, clear the view from below a little and you will discover this famous hole on the back wall. Besides, by the way, make sure you never clutter it up, otherwise it won’t fulfill its mission properly. As you can see, it’s the size of a peanut, but it’s much more indispensable than you imagine. It’s simple, without this hole, your device would be constantly plagued by puddles. And, between us, it would be one hell of a hassle!

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Concretely, when the condensation forms inside the fridge, it accumulates on the back wall and runs slowly, precisely in this hole. From there, even if you can’t see it, there is a whole process that takes place: the orifice will drain into a small tank above the cooling unit. As you have understood, this hole in the refrigerator therefore acts as a drain to compensate for this water vapor which forms in the appliance. And, there is no mystery: when the hole is clogged, water cannot flow properly and leaks can occur.

Why does water stagnate in the refrigerator hole?

When the draining of defrosting does not proceed properly, it mainly leads to this stagnation of water in the hole. Note that the drain allows water to flow and be easily eliminated during the defrosting process. It goes without saying that if the hole is clogged, then water will accumulate inside the refrigerator itself. And, as much to say that this flow of water is the nightmare of many people! It is even a frequent problem that should not be overlooked, because it greatly impacts the state of the food.

Which leads us to try to anticipate the problem. To prevent the slightest obstruction of the drain, and avoid an invasion of puddles of water, it is necessary to take certain precautions. First of all, as we mentioned above, let it breathe, never clutter it with products. You just need to move your lettuce salad or any other vegetable that you are used to installing in this area a little. And above all, make sure to clean this hole in the refrigerator that serves as a condensation drain more frequently. Since this tray is tiny, it does not require complex care. All you need to do is soak a cotton swab or toothpick in a solution of water and white vinegar. Gently clean the orifice and you’re done!

Where does the water leak in the bottom of the fridge come from?

Another reason can explain the flow of water inside your device. Well, fortunately, it’s more rare, but indeed there can be cracks in the drip tray. Already, we reassure you, it is normal that there is an accumulation of liquid on this tray from time to time, but normally it evaporates easily thanks to the heat generated by the compressor of the fridge. However, if the leak persists and you do not see any blockage in the drain circuit, then it is very likely that the tank is cracked. In this case, the best option is to replace it, otherwise the problem will not be fixed.

Excess water condensation can also come from a door problem. Have you noticed that it no longer closes properly? If this is the case, it is not surprising that there is a water leak inside, since the warm air from outside penetrates more easily and therefore causes this condensation. This problem is more common in the summer due to the temperature difference between outside and inside. At this time, check the rubber seal of the door, if it is defective in some way, simply change it.

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Good to know : heavy condensation also comes from clutter in the fridge. If it is too full, a leak can occur, especially if products block the ventilation in charge of regulating the temperature and the level of humidity. So change the location of containers or bottles that are likely to impede air circulation.

It is not visible to the naked eye, but the evaporator fan motor is the must-have device that is located in the freezer compartment. It is he who allows the air circulation for optimal cooling. If clogged, it could easily cause leaks. Indeed, if it is blocked by an accumulation of dust or all kinds of dirt debris, the condensation will then accumulate on the coils and you will see puddles of water flowing on the floor. The solution to this problem? You can clean the resistances with a long brush, in order to allow the motor to work properly. And don’t forget to check the door seals for cracks or tears, in which case you will have to change them quickly. Now, if the problem persists and you do not see where the cause of the leak comes from, it is better to call a specialist!

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