What is the healthiest way to eat eggs? This is what the experts say

To determine the healthiest way to consume eggs, it is essential to consider cooking methods that preserve their nutrients.

Health.- The egg is one of the most versatile foods y nutritious available in the human diet. Rich in proteinvitamins, minerals and healthy fats, it has become a staple in many culinary cultures. However, to maximize its benefits and minimize risks, it is crucial to know the healthiest way to consume it.

The nutritional benefits of eggs

The egg It is an exceptional source of high-quality proteinwhich contain all the essential amino acids. In addition, it is rich in vitamins A, D, E, and B12, and minerals such as iron, zinc and selenium. Egg yolk, in particular, contains choline, an important nutrient for brain health and metabolism.

What is the healthiest way to eat eggs?

To determine the healthiest way to consume eggs, it is essential to consider cooking methods that preserve their nutrients and minimize the addition of unhealthy fats.

  • Boiled: Boiling eggs is one of the healthiest ways to prepare them. Hard-boiled or soft-boiled eggs require no additional oil or fat, and they retain most of their nutrients. A study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found that boiling eggs minimizes the oxidation of cholesterol in the yolk, which may be beneficial for cardiovascular health.
  • Poached: Poached eggs are another great option. This method involves cooking the egg in hot water, avoiding the use of oils. Poached eggs have a similar nutritional profile to boiled eggs, retaining the integrity of vitamins and minerals.
  • SteamedSteaming eggs is a less common but equally healthy alternative. This method, which also dispenses with oils, helps maintain the texture and flavor of the egg, while preserving its essential nutrients.

The least healthy ways to eat eggs

Frying eggs, especially in mantequilla or oil high in saturated fat, can significantly increase the calorie content and fats from the plate. A study of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition He noted that frying foods can increase fat oxidation, which might contribute to cardiovascular disease.

Although eggs are healthy, it is important to consume them in moderation. American Heart Association recommends up to one egg per day for most people, although some studies suggest that up to three eggs per day may be safe for healthy people.

#healthiest #eat #eggs #experts
2024-07-21 07:27:04



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