What is the fate of my home project during the Sudanese era?

January 8, 2023

Baghdad / Obelisk: The Minister of Construction and Housing is skeptical Bankin Rikani, regarding the results and efficacy of the Dari residential initiative that was launched during the era of the former Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kazemi. For accurate information, its aim is political mistreatment, and escaping from responsibility by not handing over citizens who are entitled to land bonds.

In his tweet, he asked By revealing the expropriated areas for the purpose of distributing them within the (Dari) housing project adopted by the previous government.

Raikani said in a tweet on Twitter, followed by the obelisk: It is possible for the people of paper initiatives to explain to people what areas have been expropriated for the purpose of distributing them.

He added: How many cities were expropriated from the cities that were expropriated by the government that preceded them, and their bonds were issued for distribution, wondering: Which city was expropriated and designed by the government that preceded them, roads were built to it, even if it was a dirt road.

And the office of the former Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, responded to Rikani’s statements regarding the (Dari) housing project, that the idea of ​​the Dari project was part of a package of solutions to the housing crisis in Iraq, by establishing new cities in which lands are granted to people with limited income (following filling out an electronic form), to build Low-cost residential homes.

He added that 500,000 plots of land were granted in various governorates to those who met the required conditions, and the government formed a committee at the time to complete the project, indicating that the Ministry of Construction and Housing can now hand over the bonds to citizens who meet the conditions.

And he went on to say that the former Minister of Reconstruction continued to work directly through the competent departments in the ministry. As for the accusations that the Dari project is nothing but ink on paper, we consider it a position that lacks accurate information, and its goal is political projection, and escaping from responsibility by not handing over citizens who deserve land deeds.

However, Issam Hussein, who is interested in political and social affairs, wrote to Rikani on Twitter in the dialect: Rikani, if you don’t have time to work and see that the ministry is bigger than you, leave the ministry to someone else and go back to Twitter.

And he went on to say: Rikani, in a tweet, asked that someone guide him regarding the priorities of the Dari initiative to distribute plots of land to the poor, and I am here for the purpose of helping him, perhaps his office withheld the initiative papers from him. Far from the Facebook sparring.

In addition, the head of the Council of Advisors in the Prime Ministry, Abdul Karim Faisal, said that the Dari initiative is not a dead letter and is still in place, and there are half a million plots of land ready to build housing on it.

Bengin Rikani revealed that the Sudanese government’s program did not include the Dari initiative, but rather the distribution of lands that had previously been formed and owned by the ministry.

Obelisk – follow-up – agencies

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