What is the difference between sarcasm and irony?

2023-04-27 07:30:08

Irony and sarcasm always have a double message. We try to reveal them in this article.

What is the difference between sarcasm and irony?

Last update : 27 avril, 2023

Irony and sarcasm are two forms of expression which we frequently resort to when we want to express ourselves. However, it is not just any meaning that we want to give to our sentences. Rather, it’s about making a counterpoint, as in the opposite direction of what is being said.

They may look alike. However, sarcasm and irony are different. Let’s see what both are talking about.

What is the difference between sarcasm and irony?

Irony refers to an expression by which we seek to express the opposite of what is said. Sarcasm, on the other hand, is defined as mockery.

From psychology, the difference between the two is intentionality. The irony has a double message and aims to highlight the subtextwhich is not seen, which is the opposite of what is literal and what is expressed.

Irony involves reversing a meaning, which ranges from a positive to a negative meaning (or connotation). That is, there is an appearance of something, a phrase is composed to lead the interlocutor in the opposite direction. Far from being a flattery, where you want to arrive is criticism. It also has a humorous and comic component, as recognized by Sigmund Freud.

While sarcasm seeks to make mockery obvious, sometimes for the purpose of shocking, provoking or hurting the other person. There are those who argue that sarcasm uses irony for the purpose of humiliating, mocking or criticizing the interlocutor.

Regarding the use of sarcasm in relationships, it is quite questionable, because it has a certain aggressiveness. It is very far from humor, which is the resource used by irony.

Irony and sarcasm can harm interpersonal relationships at any age.

When does sarcasm start?

On the other hand, some research reports that sarcasm explains the complexity of the brain. It only develops and understands from the age of 9, when children are able to read the intentions of others.

In this sense, these studies show that sarcasm can help manage negative emotions, as well as fostering creative or lateral thinking. However, it will be necessary to take care of the way, the place and the recipient of the sarcasm.

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Examples of sarcasm and irony

Let’s look at some examples of irony and sarcasm to understand their differences. Think of the famous memes. You are using or have surely received one via social networks or via WhatsApp.

The same are images that express different ideas, they go viral on a global scale, they often use humor and irony as a resource. One of the best known is that of the dog who, in the first cartoon, says “I’m doing well” ( “It’s good” ), while in the following cartoon we see him surrounded by fire, in a fire.

In conversations, another example of irony would be when we comment “How hot it is here!”, while we are visibly sheltered. Or a boss who tells his employee “don’t stress too much” when he sees him distracted, looking at his social networks. In this way, what you are trying to say is the opposite: “I see you are not working very hard”.

As for sarcasm, if we continue with the example of the boss and the employee, it would be a use of this resource to say “still so hardworking!”. Or when someone says “always on time !”pointing to the delay of the other.

At work, sarcasm and irony can undermine the mood.

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Context is key to understanding

Beyond the fact that irony and sarcasm are different ways of expressing yourself and communicating an idea, it is important promote clarity in communication. We cannot expect others to understand or guess what our true intention is if we do not verbalize it.

Irony and sarcasm are often used in relationships and at work. However, as expected, they are confusing. They are even part of a lack of respect and cover a passive-aggressive tone.

What will allow us to understand the meaning of irony and sarcasm is the context. This will provide us with the reading keys to understand what we mean.

Currently, messages in text conversations tend to cause conflict because gestures and voice tones are lost in graphics. So interpretation of irony is often more hampered. Using emoticons or resources such as bold or italics can be very helpful.

Finally, it is important to keep in mind that in any communication, respect must take precedence. If we are always made fun of, if someone always uses irony to refer to something that belongs to us and we feel humiliated, then we need to set limits and express our discomfort. What at first seems like a joke can affect our self-esteem.

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