What is the difference between mitosis and meiosis?

2024-01-18 22:34:11

Meiosis, the division for sexual reproduction

Meiosis, on the other hand, is the process by which sex cells, or gametes, are produced. This process is unique because the resulting gametes contain only half of the genetic information necessary to form an individual. A sperm carries one half of the genetic heritage, and an egg carries the other. The particularity lies in the fact that each gamete has a unique genetic combination, emanating from a mixture of genetic information from its two parents (25% from the father, 25% from the mother).

The beginning of meiosis is similar to mitosis: duplication of genetic information. But following this phase, the mother cell intended to produce four gametes enters a spanning process. This involves random exchange of genes between chromatins, resulting in mixed genetic combinations. Two successive cell divisions then occur, resulting in four cells, each with distinct genetic information.

Mitosis and meiosis are vital processes for cell renewal and reproduction. Mitosis creates identical cells for growth and cell replacement, while meiosis produces unique gametes for reproduction. These processes are essential for genetic diversity and the perpetuation of species.

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