What is the difference ?

2023-07-14 05:19:57

In everyday language, we often tend to use the terms “lawn” and “turf” interchangeably, as if they meant the same thing.

However, behind these two names hide different realities, both botanically and in terms of maintenance and use.

We are therefore going to explore in depth the specificities of lawn and turf, in order to allow you to better understand the springs of these two essential elements of the garden and to make the right choice according to your needs and your desires.

Lawn: a complex composition for a variety of uses

First of all, let’s take a look at the lawn, which is often the first element we think of when we talk about the layout of a garden.

The grass is actually a set of herbaceous plantsmainly composed of grasses (family Poaceae), which form a dense and uniform plant cover. There is a wide variety of grasses, which can be classified into three main categories:

Fine-leaved grasses: they are often used for ornamental lawns, because they offer a very sought-after aesthetic appearance. Among them, we can cite the english ryegrass (Perennial lily) ou encore la creeping red fescue (Festuca rubra). Medium-leaved grasses: these make up the majority of lawns in our gardens, as they are more resistant and versatile. In particular, there is the tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) ou le Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis). Broadleaf grasses: they are generally used for rustic lawns and meadows, as they are very resistant and withstand trampling well. Among them, we can mention the quackgrass (Elymus repens) or the timothy (Phleum pratense).

Beyond this botanical diversity, lawn has several advantages for the development of a garden:

It is an excellent coating for play and relaxation areas, as it is flexible, comfortable and offers good grip. It limits soil erosion, retaining water and stabilizing steep terrain. improving air quality, by capturing dust and absorbing polluting gases. It provides a living environment conducive to flora and fauna, especially insects and soil micro-organisms.

The lawn: a natural and spontaneous space

Unlike grass, which is the result of a deliberate choice and precise planning, the lawn is a plant space that forms naturally and spontaneously, without human intervention.

The lawn is therefore a ecosystem complex, which adapts to the conditions of the environment (climate, soil, relief) and which evolves according to the seasons and the years. It can be composed of grasses, such as lawn, but also other herbaceous plants (clover, dandelion, plantain), mosses, lichens and even mushrooms.

This plant diversity gives the lawn a less uniform and less regular appearance than grass, which may be perceived as an aesthetic disadvantage for some people, but which actually has many ecological and practical advantages.

Indeed, the lawn has several qualities that distinguish it from grass:

It is more resilient in the face of climatic hazards, because its plant diversity allows it to better adapt to variations in temperature, humidity and light. Thus, the lawn is less likely to suffer damage or disease than turf, which is often composed of more sensitive and demanding grasses. It requires less maintenance than turf, as it does not require regular mowing, abundant watering or fertilizing. The lawn is generally content with natural supplies of water and nutrients, and it regenerates itself thanks to the presence of fast-growing plants and seeds dispersed by the wind or animals. It promotes biodiversity, by providing a habitat and food source for many insects, birds and mammals. The lawn is thus a real reservoir of life, which actively participates in maintaining ecological balances and preserving local species. It constitutes a space for relaxation and contemplation, where one can observe and appreciate nature in all its diversity. and its beauty. The lawn invites calm and meditation, and it allows you to reconnect with a rhythm of life more in tune with natural cycles.

The criteria for choosing between lawn and turf

Now that we have clearly defined the differences between lawn and turf, it is time to consider the criteria that can guide our choice between these two options for the layout of our garden.

Several factors can be taken into account in this decision, including:

Usage needs : if you want to have a play area for children, a sports field or a surface for family events, grass is undoubtedly the best solution, as it offers a stable, homogeneous and resistant surface . On the other hand, if you favor a wilder and more natural garden, the lawn will be more suitable.Environmental constraints : depending on the nature of the soil, exposure to the sun, climate and available water resources, some lawn grasses can be difficult to grow or maintain. In this case, the lawn, with its adaptability and low resource demand, can be an interesting alternative.aesthetics : if you are above all looking for an impeccable and controlled visual aspect, with a uniform height and color, the grass will meet your expectations. The lawn, on the other hand, offers a more natural and spontaneous aesthetic, which can appeal to lovers of ecological and poetic gardens.time and skills : the establishment and maintenance of a lawn require a certain know-how and a regular investment of time and energy (mowing, fertilization, watering, treatments). If you don’t have these resources or if you prefer to spend your time on other activities, the lawn may be a good choice.

Lawn and turf planting and maintenance techniques

Depending on your choice between lawn and turf, the implementation and maintenance techniques will be different.

Here is an overview of the main steps to follow for each of these options

For the lawn :

Soil preparation : Before sowing grass seeds, it is essential to properly prepare the soil by loosening it, weeding it and fertilizing it. This step creates an environment conducive to the germination and growth of grasses.The choice of seeds : depending on the use, the exposure and the climatic constraints of your garden, you will have to select suitable seeds, favoring mixtures of grasses which offer better resistance and better aesthetics.sowing : it is recommended to sow the lawn in the spring or in the fall, when the temperatures are mild and the rainfall is regular. Sowing is done on the fly, with a metering device or a spreader, and must be followed by rolling to ensure good contact between the seeds and the soil.watering : during the germination and growth phase, it is important to water the lawn regularly and abundantly, in order to maintain a constant humidity of the soil. Once the grass is well established, watering can be reduced, but it must remain sufficient to avoid drought and disease.Mowing : to maintain an aesthetic and homogeneous appearance, the lawn must be mowed regularly, at a height adapted to the use and the season. The mowing frequency depends on the growth rate of the grasses, but it is generally between once and twice a week during periods of strong growth.Fertilization and treatments : to maintain a healthy and disease-resistant lawn, it is necessary to provide it with nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) and to treat preventively or curatively the problems of parasites, fungi or weeds.

For the lawn :

Let nature take its course : insofar as the lawn forms naturally and spontaneously, it is not necessary to carry out specific sowing or planting. It is enough to let the plants settle and develop freely, avoiding disturbing their growth by unnecessary interventions.Observe and accompany : to promote the establishment of a diversified and balanced lawn, it is important to observe the dynamics of the plants and animals that make it up, and to accompany them in their evolution. This can involve specific actions, such as selective weeding, the replanting of certain species, or the installation of nesting boxes and refuges for wildlife.Adapt the interview : unlike lawns, lawns do not require regular mowing, but they can benefit from occasional mowing to limit the proliferation of certain invasive species or to encourage flowering plants to go to seed. Likewise, watering and fertilization can be adjusted according to the specific needs of the lawn, without falling into excess or standardization.Preserve and enhance : finally, for the lawn to be able to fully express its ecological and aesthetic qualities, it is essential to preserve it from pollution, inappropriate landscaping and destructive gardening practices. It is also important to promote the lawn to visitors, neighbors and decision-makers, by showing that this natural and spontaneous space has its place in our gardens and deserves to be considered as a real asset for the quality of life and the preservation of the environment.

The lawn and the turf are two distinct elements of the garden, which have specific characteristics, advantages and techniques of implementation and maintenance. The lawn, composed mainly of grasses, offers a homogeneous aesthetic appearance and a resistant surface suitable for play and relaxation areas.

The lawn, on the other hand, is a natural and spontaneous ecosystem that forms without human intervention and which promotes biodiversity and resilience in the face of climatic hazards.

The choice between these two options will therefore depend on your needs for use, your environmental constraints, your aesthetic preferences and your availability of time and skills.

Whatever your decision, don’t forget that the essential thing is to preserve and enhance these green spaces, which contribute to our well-being and our health, as well as to the richness and beauty of our environment.

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