What is the church holiday today, March 30, 2024

What church holiday is celebrated on March 30 according to the new and old style, what should not be done.

What church holiday is today, March 30 / ua.depositphotos.com

On March 30, according to the new church calendar, Orthodox believers remember Reverend John Listvychnyk. This day also marks the second Father’s Saturday of the year. In the folk calendar – Ivan Listvychnyk. We will tell you regarding the prohibitions and signs of the day celebrated in the church on March 30 according to the old style.

March 30, 2024 – what a church holiday today according to the new and old calendar

March 30 according to the new style (April 12 according to the old) is the day of commemoration of Reverend John Listvychnyk, who lived in the VI-VII centuries and served as hegumen of one of the oldest monasteries.

John Listvychnyk was originally from Constantinople. At the age of 16, he decided to leave worldly life and went to Egypt, to Mount Sinai, where 4 years later he became a monk. Elder Martyrius was his mentor for almost 20 years. When he died, John the Leaf-bearer settled in the desert – there he lived in silence, prayers and fasting for 40 years and was endowed with the gift of miracles and clairvoyance.

John tried to lead a hermit life, but the fame of his ability to heal people and predict the future brought people to him even from remote areas. At the age of 75, Ioann Listvychnyk became the hegumen of the Sinai Monastery and managed it for regarding 4 years. At this time, he wrote “Listvytsya” – a famous work regarding the 30 stages of ascent to spiritual perfection. Because of him, the saint was nicknamed Listvychnik. Then John left the monastery once more for the desert, where he rested.

March 30 holiday according to the old style – the day of commemoration of Saint Oleksiy, man of God, Martyr Maryn.

What do the omens for March 30 say

March 30 – today’s signs / pixabay.com

In the national calendar, March 30 is the holiday of Ivan Listvychnyk. The weather is judged by the signs of the day:

  • if dandelions bloomed on this day, the summer will be short;
  • geese fly high – soon there will be a lot of precipitation;
  • leaves have appeared on the shore, but there are none on the field yet – the summer will be dry;
  • protracted rains began – expect a good harvest of mushrooms in the summer;
  • the bees flew out of the hives – the whole spring will be warm.

People ask Ivan Listvychnyk to send rain to the earth.

What can be done on March 30

This day is the second Father’s Saturday of the year – believers go to church to pray for deceased relatives and friends, visit cemeteries.

Traditionally, on this day, it is customary to prepare cookies in the form of stairs – they believe that such pastries symbolize the path of the soul from the material world to God’s throne and can secure the Kingdom of God. The number of steps in such a “ladder” should be equal to the members of the family, it is believed that the one who eats it will be healthy all year. The same pastry is served as alms.

The Great Lent of 2024 continues, those who are fasting are allowed hot food with oil on this day.

What not to do on March 30

Among the prohibitions that cannot be done today are quarreling, slandering, gossiping, envying, insulting and offending anyone, refusing help and alms. On the memorial day, it is also forbidden to speak ill of the dead, despair, or hold loud memorial feasts.

According to folk beliefs, it is not recommended to wear black clothes on this day – so as not to cause trouble. You should not engage in heavy work, sewing and knitting.

March 30 is today’s name day

Name days today according to the church calendar are celebrated by Ivan and Zakhar.

Previously, we published the Orthodox calendar for March 2024 with holidays according to the new and old style.

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