What is the cheapest PC to play Lost Ark on?

You absolutely want to Lost Ark gamble, but don’t have the right hardware for it? MeinMMO introduces you to the cheapest PC if you want to play the MMO high-flyer.

What is Lost Ark? Lost Ark is currently the most successful MMORPG on Steam. The gameplay is very similar to Diablo III, but offers you a real MMORPG experience with dungeons, raids and PvP elements.

Lost Ark is a huge hit on Steam with over 1 million simultaneous players. Due to the great success, many users now also want to start with the MMORPG Lost Ark.

Where to play Lost Ark? You can currently only play Lost Ark on the PC. So if you only have a smartphone or only gamble on the PS5 or Xbox Series X | S, then you cannot enjoy it yet.

In this article, MeinMMO shows you how much money you have to spend if you want to buy a PC for Lost Ark.

The cheapest PC for Lost Ark currently costs around 500 euros

What are the system requirements for Lost Ark? MyMMO already gave you those Lost Ark system requirements presented. With an Intel i3 or AMD Ryzen 3 and NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 / AMD HD6850, the hurdle is lower than with other MMORPGs.

What is the cheapest PC for Lost Ark? Depending on the offer, the cheapest PC with which you can easily play Lost Ark will cost you around 500 euros. For 500 to 600 euros you can already get a computer with Ryzen 5 5600G and in the best case even 16 GB of RAM.

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On the Ryzen 5 5600G you can play Lost Ark smoothly on medium details with around 40 FPS in Full HD. High details are also possible, here you still achieve almost 40 FPS. You cannot play at full details on the Ryzen 5 5600G, the Vega 7 graphics unit is too weak for that.

You can also see how the game looks on a Ryzen 5 5600G in a YouTube video.

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The YouTube video shows Lost Ark playing on a Ryzen 5 5600G.

Do I need a graphics card for Lost Ark? In the entry-level area, computers primarily rely on a special combination solution. These are processors (CPUs) that also offer a graphics chip.

A graphics card is therefore not installed, instead an additional chip is used on the CPU. AMD refers to these processors as APUs, you can recognize these processors by the “G” in the processor title.

Older games in particular still run pretty well on such a processor with a graphics chip. You can find more games that also have low hardware requirements in the following article directly on MeinMMO:

8 Free MMORPGs on Steam that run on weak computers

Other alternatives if you don’t want to invest a lot of money in new hardware

Like this you can Try streaming services if you want to play Lost Ark. Here you pay a monthly fee and do not need any special hardware if you want to play Lost Ark. However, there are still a few limitations that you need to be aware of.

Alternatively, you can still hope for the Steam Deck. This is a handheld device from Valve on which you can play Steam games. Otherwise, the Steam Deck is like a mobile gaming PC. But even with the Steam Deck, there are still a few restrictions and questions regarding Lost Ark shortly before release:

Can you play Lost Ark on the Steam Deck?

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