What is the best mobile and landline internet in Chile? Movistar, Entel or VTR

The company with the highest rate of claims on telephony and mobile internet was VTR and on fixed internet Entel.

The Subsecretariat of Telecommunications (SUBTEL) together with the National Consumer Service (SERNAC) presented on December 30 the ranking of complaints in the telecommunications area, which included complaints made by users in the country between January and June 2021.

The data allow us to appreciate which are the most and least valued companies in Chile in this regard, both mobile and landline at the national level.

Mobile Internet

The claims rate for this segment drops from 0.33 claims per 10,000 users, in the first half of 2020, to 0.25 claims per 10,000 users in the same period of 2021. VTR has the highest rate, followed by Movistar.


The mobile internet, in a comparison between Movistar, Entel, Claro and Wom, the one with the lowest claims rate is the latter with 0.21 points. In 2021, complaints regarding the service increased by 0.04 points.

On the other hand, Movistar it has 0.34 points in complaints. If compared to 2020 lowered its claims rate by 0.17 points.

Fixed Internet

At this point, the global rate falls by more than half of what was registered in the first semester of 2020, being Entel the one with the highest claims rate, in second place is Movistar.

Fixed internet, number of claims

Among VTR, Mundo Pacífico, Movistar and Entel, the one with the fewest complaints in 2021 was VTR with 5.1 points and in turn was the one that decreased the number of complaints the most compared to with 2020, since the rate decreased by 8.2 points.

However, the leader in service experience in the Sernac-Subtel Ranking is GTD, the Chilean telecommunications and technology solutions company with more than 40 years of experience and presence in Latin America and Europe.

Considering that it achieves the lowest claims rate of all the companies in the sector with 1.2 points, in the first half of 2021, down from the 2.4 points it obtained in 2020.

The company’s general manager, Fernando Gana, assured that “we are proud to know that our clients distinguish and value our effort to provide the best service experience. Years leading are a true reflection of our culture, technologies and the work of our teams, which every day seek to give the best in every corner of Chile ”.

And he added “It mobilizes us to continue making technology improve and simplify people’s lives and it commits us to always continue to put the customer at the center.”

The Minister of Transport and Telecommunications, Gloria Hutt, noted that “in 2020 we began this process of confinement product of the pandemic, and we saw how, given the high demand for data by users -who transferred their activities to the home-, complained regarding the quality of their telecommunications services“.

To that he added that: “in the face of this situation, and as a regulator, we took a series of measures that led to an intense inspection process, which, together with the work of the companies, allowed significantly reduce the number of claims entered”.




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