What is the best drink to lower cholesterol?

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You can’t focus on your heart health without paying attention to your cholesterol levels. While your body needs a certain amount of cholesterol to build cells, too much cholesterol can lead to heart disease and other health complications

The most common problem related to high cholesterol is clogged arteries, which unfortunately can be very harmful to your health. Although high cholesterol can sometimes be genetic, there are diet changes you can make to help.

According to Lauren Maniker, author of The Cookbook for First Time Pregnancy and Male Fertility Nutrition, one of the best drinks you can have to help you lower your cholesterol is 100% orange juice.

Here’s how orange juice can help your cholesterol levels.

Orange juice without added sugar is a great drink for your overall health and can provide your body with the necessary nutrients it needs. This drink can also help people with high cholesterol levels.

“The data showed that drinking 100% orange juice was associated with lower total cholesterol, as well as lower-density lipoprotein cholesterol,” says Maniker. In addition, this drink may also increase HDL cholesterol.

Maniker also notes that a review and meta-analysis published in Phytotherapy Research found that drinking orange juice every day can lead to lower total cholesterol levels. The review suggests that there may be an association between insulin sensitivity and genetics as well, but this has not been fully proven.

If you’re going to have a glass of juice, make sure you’re drinking 100% orange juice with no added sugar in order to get the full health and cholesterol-lowering benefits.



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