What is the advice for each sign that will help you this Sunday, March 26 – Publimetro Colombia

The angels and archangels manifest themselves in many ways and at various times. Open your heart and fill yourself with the energy that they emanate when you call on them to give thanks or to illuminate your path.


Archangel Raduiel

You already went through a very difficult situation in your life. It’s time to reinvent yourself and go out into the world to show that you can. Radueriel is a powerful angel who radiates light to heal you.


Archangel Uriel

You have a light that protects you and makes you feel powerful in these moments because the blessing you were waiting for came to you. She receives the good with gratitude and humility. Ask the angel Uriel for the wisdom to channel good deeds.


Archangel Sandalphon

You must be careful with your family relationships, some problems are generating discussions that do not lead to anything good. Sandalphon is the angel that will help you understand what is happening and solve it with love and generosity.


Archangel Haniel

You have immense desires for professional improvement that if you make an effort you will achieve it, but be patient because good things are fought for. The angel Haniel drives away the fearful thoughts you may have when facing obstacles.


Archangel Metatron

Important changes are coming in the workplace that need all your concentration to achieve the objectives. The angel Metatron will illuminate you with his powerful light so that it is so.


Archangel Raphael

Beware of people who wear you down and steal your energy. You are intelligent, a being with a positive and cheerful attitude. The angel Rafael will be there to protect you with his healing light.


Archangel Zadkiel

Arrogance and ego are not good advisers when looking for solutions to problems. Don’t let others get you off the path you should follow. Invoke the angel Zadkiel to give you benevolence and mercy to resolve.


Archangel Gabriel

You have some very strong reactions that are causing you emotional problems. You must seek calm to cope with the setbacks in life. The angel Gabriel protects you in every step you take and ask him for the gift of wisdom to make the right decisions.


Archangel Rahmiel

Love reaches your arms as you wished, you will be filled with light, patience and you will give all of yourself so that the future is the most beautiful. The angel Rahmiel will protect you on that path to receive that blessing.


Archangel Jofiel

You must be very intelligent to achieve harmony in your family, understand the differences and turn it around so that everyone can understand each other. Ask the angel Jofiel for wisdom to guide everyone in love.


Archangel Ariel

It is time to find some time for yourself, to relax, to rest and fill yourself with energy for what is to come in the future. Connect with the angel Ariel so that the light that comes from nature helps you have the peace of mind you need.


Archangel Michael

You must put order in your life to be able to achieve all the proposed goals, because your future is prosperous depends on it. Ask the angel Michael to destroy all the obstacles that come your way.



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