2023-09-22 17:18:00

Revenge porn: what is it? What is the definition in French?

This Anglicism, translating into French as “revenge porn”, combines two terms: pornography and the idea of ​​revenge, or in other words a form of “revenge pornography”.

“It refers to a distribution of intimate or sexual content explicit messages from a person without their authorization and therefore, without their consent”, specifies Sébastien Garnero, sexologist. This can include all kinds of content (photos, videos, messages of a sexual nature, etc.) published on various messaging applications, sites porn, online forums, or sometimes shared via social media (Facebook, Instagram, etc.).

Between whom?

In many cases, this content is distributed by an ex-partner, or a malicious person who will use this process in order to take revenge, to damage the reputation of “the victim”, or to force her through blackmail, to act once morest her will.

The different types of “revenge porn”

There are various ones. Among the best known and common:

  • The publication or distribution of photos, videos, intimate and/or sexually explicit content of a person (victim) without his consent ;
  • The disclosure and/or dissemination of personal/private/intimate messages, conversations of an intimate or sexual nature without the authorization of the person (victim) and which may violate their privacy;
  • Compromising montages (videos…) or manipulation from intimate or sexual images collected without the consent of the person (victim);
  • A more recent phenomenon: the use of artificial intelligence specialized in video, audio… to create “virtual fake” videos or photos from scratch;
  • The scamsextorsion” where it is a practice where the perpetrator threatens the victim to distribute intimate content made without the person’s knowledge, and to distribute it publicly unless the victim complies with the requirements of the criminal (financial extortion, etc.); or sometimes taking advantage of this influence through blackmail to force the victim to perform sexual acts, etc.;
  • Distribution, sharing, the dissemination of intimate or sexual images to the greatest number of people on social networks chosen by the author to increase the negative impact and its harmful power on the victim.

Pornographic revenge (photos, videos, messages, etc.), what does the law say?

Revenge porn is an offense punishable by French law. “The authors as well as all those who relay content, images, videos or remarks of a sexual nature risk two years of imprisonment and a fine of 60,000 euros” recalls the site of the Ministry of the Interior and Overseas Territories (source 1). It specifies: “When the offenses provided for in articles 226-1 and 226-2 relate to words or images of a sexual nature taken in a public or private place, the penalties are increased to two years’ imprisonment and a fine of €60,000. The same penalties apply to the act, in the absence of the person’s consent for dissemination, of bringing to the attention of the public or a third party any recording or document relating to words or images of a sexual nature. , obtained, with the express or presumed consent of the person or by themselves, using one of the acts provided for in article 226-1.”

We can also note that several other countries (Israel, Germany, etc.) have also adopted legislative measures to sanction these illegal acts.

What are the signs of someone practicing revenge porn?

“The identification of suspicious behavior or psychological profiles of people likely to use the revenge porn can be complex, because these people often act in a hidden mannerand hide their manipulative behavior”, adds Sébastien Garnero, sexologist who still provides some signs:

  • Identify in the background of these perpetrators of these acts, vindictive, resentful, malicious attitudes and behaviors in different sectors of life (family, friendly, romantic, professional, ideological, political, etc.). And which can be associated with feelings of anger, injustice, resentment, or revenge.
  • Individuals likely to develop this malicious act represented by revenge porn seek to control their partner, often exercising a form of control. So be careful not to indulge too much when you have the intuition that something is going in the direction of this type of profile during meetings.
  • “Among these people practicing revenge forn, we can also note a general tendency towards egocentrismmanipulation, narcissistic perversion, even low-key paranoid elements for some…” adds the sexologist. “They lack respect for others and the private life of the other is often treated as one of their objects”. For example, delving into the other’s personal affairs, spying, controlling movements, lack of respect, not accepting the partner’s habits or psychological territory can be worrying signs that should alert you.
  • Excessive possession of intimate content with obsessive tendency and voyeurism in terms of the psycho-sexological profile.
  • Strong tendency to devalue or humiliate their partner in a more or less direct or hidden manner; sometimes by making inappropriate, demeaning, humiliating, degrading remarks regarding their appearance or their behavior in daily life, and therefore little by little by establishing a form of psychological abuse and moral violence towards their victims.

Victim of revenge porn, how to react?

“Generally speaking, we can already recommend talk to loved ones (family, friends…), then seek support from competent professionals (justice, police, and health)” recalls Sébastien Garnero, Dr. in psychology.

Useful sites, numbers, etc.: some good tips (source 1):

  • Take a screenshot to document the crime and go to the police station or gendarmerie brigade closest to you to file a complaint;
  • Report the content to the relevant platforms (Facebook, Instagram, etc.);
  • 3018, the national number once morest digital violence, is there to support and advise you in your efforts or on 3018.fr;
  • Report the profile of the malicious person on PHAROS;
  • Talk it over ! You are the victim, the culprit is the one who shares the content.

How can we explain the behavior of someone who practices revenge porn?

It’s complex and difficult to understand. “A plurality of psychological, social, emotional and environmental factors must be taken into account” illustrates the Dr. in psychology who details:

  • The behavior of regular use of revenge porn can be influenced by typical behavioral models: early and/or regular exposure to pornography initially.
  • For some individuals, regular use of revenge porn has become a true voyeuristic obsessive compulsion, a perverse addiction, where they are solely in their malicious impulses and continue to publish intimate content of people without their knowledge or once morest their will. And this despite the negative consequences for others, or even for themselves in the long term;
  • Some individuals may suffer from mental problems, such as mood disorders, antisocial, perverse narcissistic, paranoid personality disorders or impulsivity control disorders, multiple addictions, etc.;
  • Ces People are often self-centered. The other only exists to benefit them. They typically have a lack of empathy and do not seek to understand or care regarding the psychological and emotional consequences of their actions on their potential victims;
  • For some people, the preferential use of revenge porn can be linked to a lack of confidence and/or low self-esteem. Thus by seeking to devalue, humiliate and belittle others, this generates in them a “feeling of omnipotence” which compensates for their inferiority or superiority complex. Here we also perceive a perverse dimension of this type of behavior to feel better in their own life, they need to humiliate others and make them an object of their personal deviance.

It is important to note that understanding possible reasons that might illuminate this form of deviance does not mean that it is regarding justifying or excusing the perpetrators of revenge porn. It is illegal and harmful behavior that has deleterious consequences for victims, and causes serious harm in their lives.

Revenge porn: what are the consequences for the victims?

“Each person is unique and reactions can vary depending on multiple factors” explains Sébastien Garnero, who specifies:

  • “The non-consensual distribution of intimate content can arouse deep feeling of deep humiliation, embarrassment and shame in the victim, who can feel vulnerable by being potentially exposed and defenseless in the public eye”, explains Sébastien Ganero.
  • “Victims may feel increased anxiety and emotional stress by anticipating the impact and pejorative consequences (social, professional and personal) of a possible dissemination of personal, intimate or sexual content.”
  • “This behavior of abuse and sexual violence is part of a violation of private and intimate life, and generates a feeling of injustice which can lead to intense anger, despair, followed by a depressive episode in some victims. In the most severe cases, victims may feel such a state of unease, despair and distress that they may have suicidal thoughts through severe depression.
  • “To avoid stigma and shame, victims can have tendency to isolate oneself sociallywhich can also worsen their emotional state.”
  • “Revenge porn can also have significant repercussions on the victims and lead to an intense feeling of violation of one’s person and one’s integrity of being and privacy.
  • And also, consequences around a relatively strong distrust of victims towards potential future emotional relationships.

It is essential for victims presenting a form of psychotrauma to find support from qualified professionals, such as psychologists, psychotherapists, psychiatrists, or sometimes to resort to associations or group therapies, to overcome the emotional and the negative impact of revenge porn.

How to recover from a revenge porn type attack (psychologically, emotionally, etc.)?

We will find psychological impacts which can range from anxiety and depressive disorders, to serious repercussions on one’s social and professional life (loss of job, personal devaluation, etc.).

“Psychological follow-up in brief therapy or longer, in-depth psychotherapy is often essential in this type of trauma and abuse in order to be able to recover from this damage and the associated symptoms” defends Sébastien Garnero. With the aim of regaining balance, serenity in one’s daily life, personal emotional life and quite simply, to regain confidence in one’s future projects.

“On another, more global level, it is essential to raise public awareness of the dangers of revenge porn through articles, communication, and sexual education for young people.” Sébastien Garnero, sexologist.

Promote associations fighting once morest all personal, intimate and sexual practices and violence and promote respect for privacy and consent in all interactions, whether in daily life but also in the virtual world of the web and digital will also be important.

Revenge porn: should we forgive the person who did it?

The question of forgiveness in the context of revenge porn is complex and always something personal. “Each victim tends to react differently depending on their experience, their history, their personality, their emotions” indicates the sexologist.

However, it is essential to emphasize that each person has the right to choose what is best for themselves. Some victims find some comfort in forgiveness, while others may not feel the need or desire to forgive. Whatever the case, it is crucial for them that the victims of “revenge porn” can be helped by a care and mental health professional to help them overcome the trauma and recover emotionally in their lives. personal and social.

#revenge #porn



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