What is my level in math? Tescia, the test that allows you to assess yourself

QUIZ – What is your real level in mathematics? This quiz allows you to situate yourself in relation to other final year students.

The TeSciA (Advanced Scientific Test) is a national mathematics test organized by the AORES association since 2022. Its objective is to identify scientific talents regardless of the origin of the candidates, to enlighten and also reassure them about their potential. “Good students no longer stand out enough from each other on their baccalaureate grades. We therefore wanted to allow promising students to assess themselves on a national scale, and training to have a better overview of their abilities,” explains Clément de Seguins Pazzis, the founder. The association, created in 2020, brings together former and current mathematics teachers from public and private excellence preparatory classes.

The TeSciA comprises two tests of 1h30 each and is intended for Terminale students following the Mathematics specialty (with an optional test for students following Expert Mathematics). The tests are of hybrid format MCQ/raw answers/answers to be written. In 2022, the first edition of TeSciA brought together nearly 1,800 candidates in 25 examination centers.

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