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Ecopark employees assume that it was arson.

U Kyiv Osokorka Ecopark is on fire.

About this reported ecopark employees on Facebook.

What they say in the ecopark

“Friends, we are in trouble! On the plot bordering the scandalous StolitsaGroup development, someone set arson! A few days ago, unknown people wrote to us in the chat regarding arson and then deleted the message! In this way, all living things are destroyed, so that it will be easier to expand the development later” , the message says.

What they say in the State Emergency Service of Kyiv

“It’s burning near Lake Tyagle in the Darnytskyi district. So far, firefighters cannot get to the place where the flames are raging, because it is difficult to get there. According to preliminary information, dry grass caught fire,” the site was informed TSN.ua at the State Emergency Service of Kyiv.

The Internet is already writing regarding the probability of the death of animals that lived in this area.

“Dry grass and reeds caught fire. Five units of special equipment are extinguishing the flames,” the Kyiv State Emergency Service added. Rescuers do not name the previous area of ​​the fire. But in the comment TSN.ua denied that the fire raged on the territory of several hectares, as it is written on social networks.

They wanted to bury “Oasis Poznyakiv” in concrete, but now it’s on fire

About the fire in the ecopark reported also Viktoria Ptashnyk, deputy of the Kyiv City Council.

Ptashnyk told how at the end of last year Kyiv City Council deputies from “European Solidarity” did not allow the allocation of UAH 50 million from Kyiv’s budget for the road to the dead end through “Ekopark Osokorky” (and in fact – the road to the residential complex, which they want to build just in the green zone , violating all ecological norms and destroying the unique flora and fauna).

The deputy specified that deputies from “Batkivshchyna” actively advocated for the allocation of money for this road to nowhere.

“Ecopark Osokorka” / Photo: Victoria Ptashnyk

“And so last week, surprisingly, the transport commission met and unanimously decided to support my amendment, which would remove the 50 million hryvnias for financing that road. Surprisingly, even those who not so long ago actively supported this amendment voted for this amendment dear. I didn’t believe, of course, that someone came to their senses and listened to the voice of reason, local activists, Kyivans and environmentalists. And purely intuitively (and my intuition never sleeps) I felt that something was wrong with that vote… That’s why I went to watch the potential road, which until recently was so actively promoted in the Kyiv City Council, and was amazed to get stuck in a huge building, where the passage of cars is blocked, which hangs over, perhaps, the only clean lake of Poznyakiv. Local stands call this place “Oasis Poznyakiv” (which, judging by all, must be buried in concrete.) And now the oasis is on fire… “Coincidence”? What do you say?” – she noted.

Who is suspected?

Also regarding the fire reported deputy of the Kyiv City Council, Ksenia Semenova, named the probable suspects.

“Ecopark Osokorki is on fire. To the argument that “there is no nature there, everything has burned there, let there be better houses” 3, 2, 1… Large-scale arson in Osokorki, the reserve “Osokorkivski Luky” and the reserve “Lake Tyagle” are on fire. The community suspects commissioned actions of the developer “Stalitsa Group”, which is trying to destroy and build 200 hectares of the last green zone in Osokorky. Nature reserves are burning in Kyiv, historical houses are burning. Only criminal schemers are not burning,” she wrote.

Semenova emphasized that she will “obsessively follow” the investigation into the causes of the fire.

As writes LB.ua, the ecopark is being built by “Stolytsia grup”, but at the same time it has to complete housing for the deceived investors of the “Arkada” bank. “Capital of groups” is associated with the sponsor of “Batkivshchyna” Vlada Molchanova.

Construction in “Ekopark Osokorka” / Photo: Victoria Ptashnyk

Certificate: “Ecopark Osokorki” this is a place in Kyiv for outdoor recreation. There are floodplain meadows of the lake, young forest. Unique wild areas have been preserved in Osokorki. This is unusual for cities. The greatest value wetlands. In addition to the lakes, the greatest value of “Ecopark Osokorka” is the well-preserved ecosystem of the left-bank floodplain of the Dnieper with natural landscapes of floodplain meadows and rich biodiversity, unique for a large city. In addition, the area has strategic importance. Nearby is the waste incineration plant “Energia”, the heat supply station “Poznyaki”, the Bortnytsky aeration station – the ecopark significantly reduces the negative impact of these objects on Darnytskyi district. And now it has begun to be built up: the canals between the lakes are being filled in, a barrier has been installed. The land on the left bank was given for high-rise buildings during the presidency of Oleksandr Omelchenko.

Earlier it was reported that In Kiev a large-scale fire broke out. Kyiv residents publish footage of a fire on a very large square – the fire can be seen from the balconies of residential buildings in Osokorki. Online users write that residents of the Darnytskyi district are advised to close their windows.

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