What is known about the mother who threw the children out of the window in Chelyabinsk, The mother who threw the children worked in a kindergarten in Chelyabinsk, June 14, 2022 | 74.ru

“I went out at one o’clock, the smoke here was so terrible, it was like something was burning,” a neighbor from the seventh floor also says regarding the smoke. – Everyone went outside, I didn’t go, because there are problems with the elevator, it sometimes doesn’t work, it’s difficult for me to go down.

The office of the management company serving the high-rise building in which the tragedy occurred is located in the neighboring house. An employee of the Criminal Code told us that the husband of the deceased four years ago worked for them.

– He was very responsible, hardworking, there were no complaints regarding him. And he was always with children, he went to kindergarten, took him to school, – an employee of the Criminal Code described the man. – They recently bought an apartment here on a mortgage, she invested maternity capital, he worked all the time. They wanted to do repairs, pipes because they were changing in the apartment. Only one positive from this family.



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