What is known about his health and his fight against cancer

What a difficult time for football. While the pambolero world celebrates in the Qatar World Cup 2022, one of the greatest players to have set foot on a court, faces a complicated battle for his health. Yes, we bring you the bad news that Pelé was hospitalized in an emergency once more in São Paulo Brazil.

Perhaps you remember that he had been admitted last September, but this time it was not planned.

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Foto: Getty Images

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Foto: Getty Images

The globe —the middle of Brazil— account that Skin He was taken to the hospital overnight by his wife and a nurse following he there will be swelling on your body.

So far, the hospital has not published any bulletin on the health of King, but the former soccer player is undergoing a series of studies this Wednesday to assess his situation. The thing looks difficult. According to the Brazilian media, Skin he arrived at the hospital in Sao Paulo with some complicated symptoms.

The globe say what SkinIn addition to the swelling, he had some symptoms of heart failure. “Another problem reported by the medical team is that the chemotherapy practiced in the last months no longer showed a response”points out the Brazilian media.

Let’s remember that the ex-soccer player —who is already 82 years old— it was detected with colon cancer a few months ago and since then he has received studies, medical attention and of course, the media reflectors have been practically on top of everything that happens to his health.

Pelé’s daughter sent a brief statement through her Instagram.

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