Holistic Medicine It is a practice in which it is not intended to cure a disease, but to heal the body, soul and mind of a person, using both alternative and traditional therapies.
This type of medicine ensures that diseases are due to environmental, social, physical, spiritual or emotional imbalances, for which the doctor is a mentor. Holistic Medicine has roots in three different cultures: Chinese, Indian and Greek, in which health was understood as a balance between the spirit, the five elements, Yin and Yang, Qi, body fluids, blood and the emotions.
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Types of Holistic Medicine
Homeopathy is a therapy that stimulates the body’s own healing abilities. A substance that makes a healthy person sick can cure a sick person.
On the other hand, acupuncture consists of using thin needles to stimulate specific points on the body called “meridians”, releasing concentrated energy to flow and balance the body.
Phytotherapy is the study of plants and other products of natural origin that can be used therapeutically to prevent, mitigate or cure diseases. This practice dates back to prehistory, when the shamans of the tribes used herbs to treat and heal. Phytotherapy is an alternative that helps strengthen the immune system and is currently used by pharmaceuticals.
Floral therapy
Also, flower therapy is used to treat emotional disturbances. Theory indicates that treating emotions can help restore emotional balance and cure future illnesses.
Among the most common is the therapeutic use of essential oils and other products of plant origin. Aromatherapy is often effective in relieving minor pain, digestive discomfort, reducing stress, and skin problems. Blended essential oils are often applied topically or in candles for the person to smell and relax.
Alternative medicine seeks the well-being of people in different ways than traditional methods, sometimes it is recommended for certain patients to find the connection with their being, the doctor, their mentor. In addition, it helps to find the cause of the disease, the origin and helps the person to heal inside and outside.