What is happening with the winery’s oil and coffee? MINCIN explains delays

Authorities from MINCIN (Ministry of Domestic Trade) confirmed on their official website, through a press release, that there are delays in the distribution of vegetable oil and mixed coffee from the warehouse, due to several causes, including the low availability of fuel.

According to officials, they are making “efforts to guarantee the standard family basket for the month of August,” but “significant challenges” persist in the distribution of key products such as vegetable oil and blended coffee.

Despite the fact that rice deliveries have begun in several areas of the country, the situation with these basic products (such as coffee and cooking oil) is more uncertain, the note warns.

According to official sources, in several areas of the country, especially in eastern Cuba, the transfer of rice to local warehouses has begun, but there has been no progress in the distribution of vegetable oil and blended coffee.

What happens to the winery’s oil and coffee according to MINCIN

These products, the coffee and the olive oil from the winery, have been affected by limited production and the impossibility of making the necessary imports due to the lack of foreign currency at the national level, the MINCIN authorities justified.

New shipments also depend on the availability of transport and fuel, they say. However, there is no precise information on when the distribution of oil and coffee, essential products for many Cuban families, will be normalized.

The situation highlights the logistical and economic difficulties the country faces in ensuring the delivery of basic products to the population, a challenge that particularly affects the most vulnerable communities and Cubans who depend strictly on the basic food basket for their food.

Coffee and olive oil from the winery in Cuba are among the most in-demand and most lacking products.

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