“What is happening in SYRIZA is not normal”

“What is happening in SYRIZA is not normal”

SYRIZA MEP Nikolas Farandouris was in Patras yesterday morning and had a meeting with friends and party executives at a cafe in Georgiou Square. The MEP, in the midst of the crisis of the last few days, “raised dust” with a video uploaded by Prespes, as many throughout the country thought that with his move he was declaring his presence in internal party elections for the selection of a leader, if they are announced.

Yesterday, however, from Patras, he made it clear that this was not his purpose. “I have the same anxieties as the world. I am not in politics to privatize. I was honored by 150,000 fellow citizens with their vote and everyone is anxious for SYRIZA. We are not pariahs of politics. We are a party that has successfully governed the country with a strong presence in Europe and America. We have to defend our home” he said speaking to the friends of the party who wanted to meet him.

Commenting on what has been happening lately within SYRIZA, Mr. Farandouris separated his position from the communication tactics of some of his comrades, saying: “I also disagree on some issues with the president, the Central Committee, the institutions, but I will not tell the media, I’ll tell them. In this period there is a trend of deconstruction, I am far from them. We cannot remain in the spiral of decay, obsolescence and shrinkage. We are all responsible, each one for his part. It is our duty to forge unity.”

At this point, Nikolas Farandouris clarified: “I am not a candidate for any position. I intend to honor the people’s trust for the next five years. We operate with expansion, comfort and embrace. I am not in Patras for a pre-election visit, but a discussion has opened in the party. This is not a time for responsibilities, but for relaxation. There is a fresh mandate from the election of the president. However, if by rekindling trust, voices will be calmed, so be it. It is not possible to go to elections every now and then, but maybe this is the solution. It is not a normal process, but what is happening in SYRIZA is also not normal. We have to revive the half-dead patient. The left is not a one-man limited liability company.”

Nikolas Farandouris also emphasized that he was in Patras to prove that he wants to be in contact with the people, listen to their problems and inform them about what is happening in the European decision-making centers. Stations on his tour were also Kalavrita and Aegialia. “I want contact with the world so that you can convey the problems to me. It is up to us whether we will succeed” he concluded.

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#happening #SYRIZA #normal



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