What is ‘eldest daughter’ syndrome?

Over the past few years, many people have discussed a psychological theory social media Turning to the eldest of the family daughter called the syndrome.

The idea revolves around the symptoms that the firstborn of the family had in childhood Mother has to play the role of, she takes care of younger siblings and has to do extra work at home.

First-born daughters are often expected to set an example for younger siblings, take on more responsibilities and be role models. Being a first-born, a girl child grows up quickly, which has psychological and physical effects.

Although the condition is not listed as a physical condition, a new study has revealed new evidence that indicates why eldest daughter syndrome may be associated with first-born females in families. .

A research team led by the University of California, Los Angeles, recently discovered that first-born daughters mature earlier than normal, leading them to take on the role of caretakers required of their younger siblings. Are mentally prepared to pay.

The team of researchers specifically discovered a link between early onset of adrenal gland puberty symptoms in first-born daughters and their mothers suffering from excessive stress during pregnancy.

Adrenal puberty leads to physical changes, such as body hair and acne, and mental changes as people gain emotional maturity. Adrenal puberty does not include some aspects of traditional puberty, such as developing breasts or menstruation.

Jennifer Hahn Holbrook, one of the study’s co-authors and an assistant professor of psychology at the University of California, Merced, said that when times are tough and mothers are stressed during pregnancy, it’s in a mother’s best interest to May her daughter mature quickly socially.

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He said, “In this way, the mother soon has a ‘nest helper’ who helps the female in rearing the offspring born later in a difficult environment.”

The research explained that girls become mentally capable enough to take care of children in the same way as parents without being able to bear them. In this way, women naturally get away from the responsibilities of their elder daughter.

The research was published in the February issue of the journal Psychoneuroendocrinology. The researchers also included women who visited two clinics in Southern California for routine check-ups three months following pregnancy.

Half of the women were pregnant for the first time and did not smoke or use steroids, tobacco, alcohol or other recreational drugs.

Their levels of depression and anxiety were assessed during pregnancy, and some aspects of their adrenal maturation were also observed once the babies were born.

It was found that first-borns in the form of girls matured most quickly when their mothers were exposed to more stress before birth.

The same cannot be said in the case of elder sons or daughters who are not children of the first-born.

According to Han Holbrook: ‘One reason we have not seen this (syndrome) in first-born sons may be that boys are often less helpful than girls in direct childcare. Mothers do not need to speed up their social maturation process.’

Furthermore, previous research has shown that women’s early life experiences have a greater influence on the timing of puberty than men’s, they said.

#eldest #daughter #syndrome
2024-07-18 03:06:07



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